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The Daily Tribune

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Taking it with a grain of salt FRONTLINE Ninez Cacho-Olivares 11/16/2010

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Taking it with a grain of salt

Ninez Cacho-Olivares
Surveys, conducted the way they are in this country, really serve very little purpose, if at all.
More to the point, such surveys are virtually meaningless, principally because more often than not, the questions posed are much too broad and too general, and even worse, as such approval and trust surveys are conducted every quarter or so, by the time the results come out, either certain issues within that period have lost their importance and relevance, or so much time has elapsed that the so-called pulse of the nation is not quite reflected.

At most, what can be gleaned from such surveys would be the increases or decreases in approval and trust ratings, which hardly are accurate pulse measures.

Pulse Asia, in its October survey, showed that 79 percent approve of Noynoy Aquino’s performance, while 80 percent expressed trust in him. Compared to a previous survey rating, Noynoy suffered a 9 percent decline in approval rating, while his trust rating dipped some 5 percent.

These are figures, and frankly, dubious figures at that. So there has been a decrease in both trust and approval ratings. But do these figures mean anything, or answer certain questions?.... MORE

SourceThe Daily Tribune

URL: http://www.tribuneonline.org/commentary/20101116com2.html


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