Time to worry
Noynoy may not realize it, but the way he has been defending his appointees, such as DILG Undersecretary Rico Puno and his newly appointed police chief, Raul Bacalzo, isn’t doing him any good, especially as he has also not been defending his DILG chief, Jesse Robredo, casting him off as just an acting secretary on probation.
What his words and actions suggest is that when it comes to his close buddies, or those who serve his personal interest, he will go all out to protect them, while those with whom he is neither comfortable or whom he believes are not that personally loyal to him, he casts off.
At least, this is what it all looks like, at this point.
He says, for instance, that in the case of the jueteng issue and the alleged involvement of his target shooting buddy, Puno along with Bacalzo, is the improbability of jueteng payoffs of P2 million from a P37 billion illegal numbers game.
In the matter of Bacalzo, Noynoy says he is completely clueless about his police officials’ alleged involvement in jueteng and drugs.
Yet just before he was to appoint a new police chief, there was a
white paper on Bacalzo from junior officers, which Noynoy quickly dismissed as “manufactured” and traditional — coming from junior police officers.....
Source: The Daily Tribune