Only one reason
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There can only be one reason Noynoy and his boys don’t want a Freedom of Information (FoI) bill enacted into law: The fear of their anomalous and corrupt ways being found out by the public.
Naturally, this will be denied by Noynoy and his boys, with his mouthpieces even claiming that this presidency is very transparent, which is a lie, as Noynoy and his Malacañang have been noted to be pretty opaque in their ways.
The fact is that Noynoy, as a presidential candidate on the campaign trail and even as a member of Congress, strongly called for the passage of the FoI bill. The reason then was fairly clear: With an FoI law, he believed that such a law would work against then President Gloria Arroyo, and he could then use this FoI law to dig for dirt against her.
Being such a slow learner, Noynoy at that time, failed to realize that which would work against Gloria by way of digging up dirt, would also have to work against him and his administration, by way of the public digging up their dirt..... MORE
Source: The Daily Tribune