Popularity gambit
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Now, we’ve seen it all.
Noynoy’s request, nay, demand, on the Supreme Court (SC) to allow a public trial of the Ampatuans through nationwide television feels more of a play up on public sentiment rather than a rational order coming from a president.
The demand came amid a plummeting public rating on Noynoy based on the latest Pulse Asia survey and it is premised on the fact that whether or not the SC accedes to it, Noynoy would come out looking good with the media. Or so he hopes.
This was the same strategy taken by the past administration whenever a survey is released which almost always results in a negative trust or approval rating on Gloria or when a lid is removed from a new scandal involving her or somebody in her political circle.
The favorite whipping dog then was the Senate and picking a fight with it or creating a distraction such as a new government drive against a non-existent problem such as a severe drought from El Niño or a sudden rice shortage was a predictable consequence of a brewing crisis..... MORE
Source: The Daily Tribune
URL: http://www.tribuneonline.org/commentary/20101121com1.html