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The Daily Tribune

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How much for justice? HE SAYS Aldrin Cardon 06/21/2010

Monday, June 21, 2010

How much for justice?

Aldrin Cardon

A grieving mother, all 74 years of her remaining firm in a dogged pursuit of justice for the murder of her two sons, could be the happiest mom on Father’s Day as she finally got what she wished and prayed for.

Call it a hunch, but lawyer Carmencita de Castro, knew her seven-year chase of Jose Ma. “Bong” Panililio, son of the late jeweler Fe Panlilio and prime suspect in the murder of brothers Albert Gutierrez and Ariel Real would end with the tip she received by telephone on the whereabouts of suspect Panlilio.
She had received much information about Panlilio before, some accurate while others false and given for a fee, but it was this tip that sent her packing for a short trip to Pattaya, Thailand where Panlilio was arrested, with the National Bureau of Investigation and the International Police acting swiftly on her request to arrest and immediately deport the suspect.

She claimed to have had a good feeling about the tip that she wasted no time in bringing documents related to the twin murders, which she presented to Thai authorities, who accommodated her request to arrest Panlilio as soon as he was spotted in the Thai city renowned for its beach resorts.

Panlilio’s arrest was swift, wasting no time acting on Mrs. De Castro’s request, a very revealing opposite of her experience in seeking justice and tracking Panlilio in Manila.

Mrs. De Castro had spent most of the last seven years in search of Panlilio.... MORE

SourceThe Daily Tribune

URL: http://www.tribuneonline.org/commentary/20100621com6.html


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