‘Racehorses of the sky’ launch from NY rooftops
NEW YORK — A handful of pigeons circling the drab streets of New York’s suburbs gives no idea of the drama being enacted in the skies over the Big Apple this summer. These are not ordinary pigeons, the flying rats of urban speak. They’re homing pigeons, winged racers who’ll literally give their lives to cross the finish line. “They’re the racehorses of the sky,” as Peter Fusco, a 41-year-old pigeon keeper, from the borough of Staten Island, puts it. Pigeon racing is little-known, but deeply rooted in New York. So while the sport may have sharply diminished in popularity over recent years, old-timers and younger enthusiasts like Fusco will ensure that this year’s racing season is as fiercely contested as ever. Keepers, known as fanciers, train their athletes in a game of daring, navigation and endurance. Released hundreds of miles from their home coops, the pigeons brave hawks, storms and deadly power lines to return. Many die. Source: The Daily Tribune URL: http://www.tribuneonline.org/commentary/20100527com3.html |
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