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The Daily Tribune

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Crazy season SILVER LINING Dean Ernest Maceda 04/14/2010

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Crazy season

Dean Ernest Maceda

In the last US presidential elections, the propriety of the public disclosure of the candidates’ health records briefly took center stage as the Republican Party standard bearer, Sen. John McCain, was 72 years old, was a survivor of skin cancer surgery, had an enlarged prostate and was still dealing with wounds, physical and psychological, received during the Vietnam War.

US federal law does not mandate the submission by candidates of their physical and psychological profiles. Neither does Federal Law prohibit it — this is a matter left to the states to deal with in accordance with each state’s peculiar sensitivities. 

Here the situation is no different. As the lawyer of Gibo Teodoro points out, there is no psychiatric requirement in the Constitution for the presidency. Yet, just as in the US, it is conceded that a presidential candidate’s physical and mental health are legitimate election issues.... MORE

SourceThe Daily Tribune

URL: http://www.tribuneonline.org/commentary/20100414com4.html


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