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LulzXmas goes on: ‘Robin Hood hackers’ rob military retailer

Friday, December 30, 2011

LulzXmas goes on: ‘Robin Hood hackers’ rob military retailer

Hacktivists from Anonymous have allegedly gained access to thousands of passwords and credit card numbers from Specialforces.com, an online military and law enforcement equipment retailer.

­Fourteen thousand passwords and 8,000 credit card numbers were stolen several months ago and posted online right after Christmas, a statement purportedly by Anonymous on pastebin.com explained..... MORE


URL: http://rt.com/news/military-retailer-anonymous-specialforcescom-931/

1 comment

Jesusa Bernardo said...

goodah. akala n'yo walang laban ang walang armas de giyera, atbp., no?

"The alleged hackers explained they were trying to punish SpecialForces.com for selling equipment used against civilians. “You get a kick out of pepper-spraying peaceful protesters in public parks? You have a fetish for putting people in plastic zip ties?” they wrote.

"The attack on SpecialForces.com is a part of so called LulzXmas – a weeklong hacking campaign by Anonymous against sites related to global finance, militaries and governments, PC World explains."

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