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The Daily Tribune

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Jaime Cardinal Sin VIEWPOINTS Archbishop Oscar V. Cruz 09/11/2011

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Jaime Cardinal Sin

Archbishop Oscar V. Cruz
Time and again, a name comes to mind. And the man behind the name becomes alive in the memory of all those who came to know him. The simplicity of his life and the profundity of his understanding. The plain statements he made and the great influence he wielded. The little jokes he cracked and the national impact he had. These are some of the thoughts his name evokes, his person awakens, his deeds inspire. Result: Jaime Cardinal Sin is a glorious part of Philippine History.

As there is now a “Jaime Cardinal Sin Street” in Metro Manila, it would be interesting to reveal some sihttp://www.tribuneonline.org/commentary/20110911com7.htmlmple yet distinct realities about him that many might not know, nor has history recorded — such as:

The paucity of his needs. The clothes he wore were clean but usually old. His house was big but his room was small. When there were no visitors, he ate left-over food.

The lightness of his heart. He received visitors with delight. After meeting with him, they left with smiles, clear faces. He loved saying “Yes” to many requests. He said “No” with a heavy heart..... MORE

SourceThe Daily Tribune

URL: http://www.tribuneonline.org/commentary/


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