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The Daily Tribune

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Meaningless diplomatese EDITORIAL 05/25/2011

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Meaningless diplomatese

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With Noynoy in the presidential seat in Malacañang, we can all say goodbye to our claim of the Spratlys and have China and even other countries walk all over us.

Noynoy does not seem to have any spine at all when it comes to issues of sovereignty, especially when it comes to China, as he always refuses to even protest the many incursions of China into our territory, always saying that he prefers dialog to tension and confrontation.

That’s fine, except that China does what it wants in the disputed islands, even when it says that it will pursue more talks on the disputed islands..... MORE

SourceThe Daily Tribune

URL: http://www.tribuneonline.org/commentary/20110525com1.html


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