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Vindictive Noy FRONTLINE Ninez Cacho-Olivares 12/10/2010

Friday, December 10, 2010

Vindictive Noy

Ninez Cacho-Olivares
The latest word has it that Noynoy Aquino wants Supreme Court (SC) Chief Justice Renato Corona impeached by his allies.

Naturally, he did not come outright to say that he wants Corona impeached, claiming that he has heard talk among his allies in Congress that they plan to impeach Corona, evidently grounded on the SC ruling striking down Noynoy’s Executive Order (EO) 1, which created the Davide led Truth Commission. His allies denied any knowledge of an impeachment move--which points to this being another Noynoy threat to the SC and Corona.

As Noynoy was quoted by one newspaper: “We have heard voices from the House (of the Representatives). We have checks and balances under our Constitution,” referring to the House’s power of impeachment.

It does look like the SC was spot on when it said that the truth body is a vehicle for vindictiveness and retribution, as Noynoy again shows his vindictive nature while pretending to be doing right by the Filipino people through an impeachment of Corona.

But if this recent ruling of the high court is the very ground to be used by vindictive Noynoy and his allies in Congress against Corona, they should realize that it was not just Corona who had ruled to strike down his EO. There were nine others who did. Are Noynoy and his allies then to file impeachment raps against all 10 justices who voted to junk EO 1?... MORE

SourceThe Daily Tribune

URL: http://www.tribuneonline.org/commentary/20101210com2.html


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