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The Daily Tribune

(Without Fear or Favor)



World Wildlife Fund for Nature-Philippines

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Cyber-crime: Bigger than the drugs trade, and growing FEATURE 12/02/2010

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Cyber-crime: Bigger than the drugs trade, and growing


CANBERRA — Until Eoin Blackwell arrived at his Sydney home from a Christmas party, he had no idea his bank account had been emptied from half-a-world away.

Blackwell’s personal details were stolen by a Romanian card-skimming gang and sold to criminals in Italy. While he relaxed with friends in a pub, the thieves withdrew 3,000 dollars (2,900 US) from his account.

“I found out I had no money trying to pay for a cab. My initial response was ‘what the hell?,’” said Blackwell, 28, a business analyst.

The bank confirmed his cash was gone — “withdrawn in Milan” — and it would take six weeks to investigate, suggesting he “may have participated in the fraud,” he said.

“In the end, I got the (money) back,” he said. “I’m now militant about covering the key pad on ATMs and more cautious with online banking.”.... MORE

SourceThe Daily Tribune

URL: http://www.tribuneonline.org/commentary/20101202com3.html


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