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The Daily Tribune

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Gloria’s student EDITORIAL 10/09/2010

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Gloria’s student

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Gloria Arroyo was Noynoy Aquino’s economics teacher at the Ateneo. And from the way his 100 days speech went, it can be concluded that he has learned a lot from Gloria — so much so that he has picked up most, if not all, of her ways.

Take the way he quickly took credit for having brought about an improved economy, as he substantiated this claim with the upswing in the stock market, and the strengthening peso, as indicators of a robust economy under his stewardship.

Wasn’t that what Gloria claimed too, during her time in Malacañang? She used to point to the uptick in the stock market, claiming that there is now so much investor confidence in the country, with her at the saddle. As for the claim of the strengthened peso, she too, boasted about it, claiming too that this was a clear indication of investor’s confidence. Oh, and she also said, just as Noynoy is saying now, that the Philippines is now open for business..... MORE

SourceThe Daily Tribune

URL: http://www.tribuneonline.org/commentary/20101009com1.html


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