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The Daily Tribune

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Bribes and tithes EDITORIAL 10/01/2010

Friday, October 1, 2010

Bribes and tithes

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It is quite easy to imagine why many are loudly opposed to legalizing jueteng because of the several diverse interests that are benefiting from it.
The Church, for instance, is raising the bible and invoking morality to oppose moves to have the racket legalized. But the more economic reason for its vehement reaction is that it is getting huge tithes from jueteng lords, as what Archbishop Emeritus Oscar Cruz had recounted before the Senate inquiry into the illegal numbers game.

So long as the racket remains below ground, the bribes and the grease money will keep flowing, and it would take great political will to end such a lucrative and regular source of easy money.

Senate President Pro Tempore Jinggoy Estrada’s bill seeking to legalize jueteng will undoubtedly face rough sailing inside and outside the halls of Congress for the simple reason that Estrada will be up against one of the most moneyed syndicates in the country..... MORE

SourceThe Daily Tribune

URL: http://www.tribuneonline.org/commentary/20101001com1.html


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