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Bishop: Noy won’t finish his term; EO 2 questioned anew By Pat C. Santos and Benjamin B. Pulta 10/27/2010

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Bishop: Noy won’t finish his term; EO 2 questioned anew

By Pat C. Santos and Benjamin B. Pulta 10/27/2010
“Chances are high that President Aquino will not finish his term, if he continues to listen only to two of his Cabinet members, and refuses to heed the voice of the people,” a Catholic bishop predicted yesterday.
Catholic Bishop Dinualdo Gutierrez gave this prediction during a weekly forum held at Intramuros where he mentioned the names of Secretary De Mesa and Executive Secretary Paquito Ochoa both of whom he said have not been giving Aquino the right advice.

“He (Aquino) needs management (skills) and most important (skill) is human relations,” Gutierrez said.
The prelate cited that all of his seven Executive Orders are being challenged in court and by the time he reaches his 100th EO, he may no longer be in Malacañang, and no longer president.

“Every executive order is being questioned because they are not reflective of the feelings and aspirations for many people.

“Honesty alone will not save him (Aquino) as he has lost the people’s trust and confidence and if it continues he will be losing all the goodwill. He must consult people and ask those who know and not only his two trusted Cabinet officials,” the bishop said.

The bishop perceives the two as running the government.

“If he is really sincere in his statement that the people are his boss, then he should consult the people who have the the wide contact with the masses, such as the priests..... MORE

SourceThe Daily Tribune

URL: http://www.tribuneonline.org/headlines/20101027hed5.html


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