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The Daily Tribune

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A curse that refuses to die VIEWPOINTS Archbishop Oscar V. Cruz 09/26/2010

Sunday, September 26, 2010

A curse that refuses to die

Archbishop Oscar V. Cruz
Notwithstanding all rhetoric and propaganda made by public officials, despite all the alleged bleeding hearts for the poor brought to fore by civil authorities, and despite loud, repeated and impressive resolves by one government after another, the stark truth and standing fact is that jueteng continues to be omnipotent and omnipresent disastrous. The hideous and deeply rooted vice nonchalantly continues as an alive and vibrant racket in this already too long suffering country. Specifically in conjunction with this long lasting, disgusting and revolting national phenomenon of jueteng in the national scene, it is in good order to point out formally and categorically the three following solid and standing truth of the matter:

One: It is exactly the poor and the helpless, the miserable and the ignorant who are continuously being exploited and duped every time they are enticed and duped into betting their already few pesos in jueteng. The reality is that for the very few bettors chosen to win by expert manipulation on account of their meager bets as “consuelo de bobo,” literally thousands upon thousands of bettors are infallibly destined to lose in this well-syndicated racket..... MORE

SourceThe Daily Tribune

URL: http://www.tribuneonline.org/commentary/20100926com6.html


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