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The Daily Tribune

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How free is free? HE SAYS Aldrin Cardon 08/18/2010

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

How free is free?

Aldrin Cardon
Education officials were on a road show last week feeling the public pulse on their proposal to add two more years in basic elementary and high school education.

While the effort seems laudable, its timing does not seem impeccable as there are still a lot of issues government must settle first before government could overhaul a system that is lacking of many things to be near perfect.

I agreed with Education Secretary Armin Luistro when he said Philippine education has fallen behind many of its neighbors, but adding two more years to the present basic 10 years (six years primary and four secondary) education does not make a simple solution to improving our quality of education.

Luistro is a product of the private school system. He even had the best college and post-college education from La Salle and Ateneo, so it is safe to say that his exposure is beyond those of public school students who had to compete for chairs or a tree shade to be able to complete 40 minutes of subjects often interrupted by many things, including rain or exposure to the sun.... MORE

SourceThe Daily Tribune

URL: http://www.tribuneonline.org/commentary/20100818com6.html


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