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The Daily Tribune

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World Wildlife Fund for Nature-Philippines

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Priority, priority, priority VIEWPOINTS Archbishop Oscar V. Cruz 07/22/2010

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Priority, priority, priority

Archbishop Oscar V. Cruz
The matter of “priority” has been and still is repeatedly invoked by the present administration. And rightly so — considering the big socio-economic debacle, not to mention the ethico-political mess merrily left behind by the previous supposedly glorious administration.

In short and plain language, priority is the principle of “first things first.” It will be good to note well that such a prime norm of right reason and sound logic, only works when neither personal considerations or private concerns are allowed to meddle therein. Otherwise, it could be anything but “You are my boss.”

There must more than a hundred and one errant public structures plus more than a thousand and one erratic public officials all left behind by a thus most distrusted and least appreciated government. It is wherefore left to the new national leadership — with his chosen advisers and close collaborations precisely — to determine the priority of his supposedly plain, simple and straightforward administration qualified by the battle cry integrity and honesty in governance. Question: Taking into consideration the obtaining over-all pitiful situation of the Philippines, what would be the key priority agenda of the P-Noy government. Could they be the following?

First Priority: Establish a functional justice system.... MORE

SourceThe Daily Tribune

URL: http://www.tribuneonline.org/commentary/20100722com7.html


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