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The Daily Tribune

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Corruption, now Noynoy’s low priority? EDITORIAL 07/14/2010

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Corruption, now Noynoy’s low priority?

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President Aquino’s campaign spiel was “kung walang corrupt, walang mahirap,” which translated says if there is no corruption, there is no poverty.

He ran under an anti-corruption slogan, but apparently, battling corruption has become a low priority for him and his administration.

This was virtually admitted by Noynoy when he told reporters that the eradication of jueteng is a low priority of his government. Since this is so, as proclaimed by him, it stands to reason that corruption, as well as going after the corrupt in government, is a very low priority. Or does Noynoy think that jueteng is not at the root of corruption in this country and more specifically, in government?

Just where does Noynoy think jueteng protection money goes? To the jueteng operators? To the cabos and cobradores? To the people who place their small bets? 

Or is Noynoy playing blind to the fact that jueteng lords fork out protection money to ensure that the illegal numbers game pushes through — with as much as three times a day draws — in the open, and no arrests or raids. But then again, more often than not, those in the pockets of jueteng lords alert them to a raid that will be staged, and nothing comes out of that raid — precisely because of the payoffs given to these officials who earn millions from these..... MORE

SourceThe Daily Tribune

URL: http://www.tribuneonline.org/commentary/20100714com1.html


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