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The Daily Tribune

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And still more lies EDITORIAL 06/13/2010

Sunday, June 13, 2010

And still more lies

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When everybody thought that the nine-year reign of lies and deception had ended, Gloria in what sounded like a farewell speech to foreign diplomats peppered them with the tallest tales she could muster to paint her nine-year administration as a success which was lightyears away from reality.

The speech started with “I did not seek the president’s office in 2001, it was thrusted on me” and ended with the Philippines being among members of the First World in 20 years, or in 2030, which apparently was moved from her earlier enchanted estimate of 2020.

Rather than shirk from the onerous task, I rolled up my sleeves determined to turn the country around, she said.
As if talking to people born yesterday, Gloria recounted that the economy was on a spin, investments were not coming into the country and the Philippines tethered in political chaos, and the government was on the brink of financial bankruptcy, in 2001, the reason she claimed for the takeover of the presidency from constitutionally elected President Joseph Estrada.

Internationally, the Philippines had fallen far, far off the radar screen, went Gloria’s story. 

To those who heard of the Philippines or knew the country for the first time, Gloria’s spiel was impressive, the same way a six-year-old kid would have been spellbound by Jack and the Beanstalk.... MORE    

SourceThe Daily Tribune

URL: http://www.tribuneonline.org/commentary/20100613com1.html


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