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The Daily Tribune

(Without Fear or Favor)



World Wildlife Fund for Nature-Philippines

The Philippines Matrix Project

Election failure, military junta, welgang bayan, people power VIEWPOINTS Archbishop Oscar V. Cruz 04/15/2010

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Election failure, military junta, welgang bayan, people power

Archbishop Oscar V. Cruz

It is only unfortunate and dismaying but also sinister and menacing that for some time now, the above mind disturbing and heartbeat suspending phrases have been making the rounds — not only in coffee shops but also in major broadsheets in the country. Contrary to those either numbered among the faithful Malacañang allies or wallowing in the bliss of ignorance, such talks — futile forthcoming elections, military adventurism, people’s strike, popular revolt — cannot be altogether devoid of credibility — on the ground composite basis. Would that they were but merely sound bites. But this would be plain wishful thinking. But are they, really?... MORE

SourceThe Daily Tribune

URL: http://www.tribuneonline.org/commentary/20100415com5.html


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