• 6 AUGUST - *1907 - Gen. Macario Sakay, one of the Filipino military leaders who had continued fighting the imperialist United States invaders eight years into the Ph...
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The Daily Tribune

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Women to protest increasing prices of oil, basic commodities on March 8

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Women to protest increasing prices of oil, basic commodities on March 8

In the morning of March 8, Gabriela will hold a protest action at the Pandacan Oil Deport and in the afternoon at around 2 p.m., the women’s group will hold a program at Plaza Miranda in Quiapo to be capped by a torch parade from Plaza Miranda to Mendiola in the evening.

MANILA — In the face of the weekly and unabated price increases of oil and other basic commodities, progressive women from Gabriela call on the Filipino people to unite on March 8, the International Women’s Day, to press the government to control prices.
“We will continue to criticize government policies that make the lives of Filipino women and their families poor. Since International Women’s Day was first commemorated, the oppression and exploitation of women have never stopped. The issues they are confronting might have changed over the years but the struggle never ceased,” Joms Salvador, deputy secretary general of Gabriela, said.

The International Women’s Day is being commemorated worldwide since 1911. In the Philippines, women’s participation in the struggle to free the country from oppressors, such as that of Gabriela Silang and Gregoria de Jesus, is already evident in its rich history. But it was only during martial law under the late dictator Ferdinand Marcos that International Women’s Day was formally commemorated. Every year since, Gabriela has been holding a big protest action to commemorate International Women’s Day.

In a statement, Gabriela said women carry the burden of making sure that their meager family income would be able to cover the family’s daily needs. “The women mainly forego their share of the food wso that her husband and children could eat. This is why it is in the interest of the women to protest and fight against the increasing prices of oil and staple goods that has brought further burden to Filipino families.”

A recent SWS survey reveals an increase in families experiencing involuntary hunger at least once in the past three months. The survey was conducted from December 3 to 7 , 2011. The number of families who experienced hunger in December, at 22.5 percent or an estimated 4.5 million families, is higher than the 21.5 percent or 4.1 million families who experienced involuntary hunger last September 2011..... MORE


URL: http://bulatlat.com/main/2012/03/07/women-to-protest-increasing-prices-of-oil-basic-commodities-on-march-8/

Professor urges teaching of Ibaloi language

Professor urges teaching of Ibaloi language

BAGUIO CITY — According to the respected professor and scholar of culture Dr. Morr Tadeo Pungayan, the Ibaloi language is the identification of the Ibaloi people.

In the first Ibaloi Forum dubbed “Tongtong” held at the Baguio Museum, Pungayan said that in other provinces of the Cordillera region, they speak and sIng their hymns and history in their own languages and dialects. He said the rich history of the Ibalois meanwhile is written and sung in the English language.

Pungayan said that the Nabaloy or the Ibaloi language is an independent language. He stressed that the Ibaloi language does not belong to any family of languages thus it is not a simple dialect. He added that Nabaloy can compete with other languages of the world.

The Ibaloi professor said that sadly, the Nabaloy is already endangered as many Ibaloi youths at present do not even know how to speak the language and sadly, some of them even cannot understand it..... MORE


URL: http://bulatlat.com/main/2012/03/05/professor-urges-teaching-of-ibaloi-language/

Eastern Libya declares autonomy (w/ Video)

Eastern Libya declares autonomy

Cyrenaica, the eastern region of Libya, has elected a regional congress and declared semi-autonomy from the capital Tripoli. The “blatant call for fragmentation” of the country was condemned by Libya's ruling NTC.
Thousands of major tribal leaders and militia commanders attended a celebratory ceremony in the region’s center Benghazi on Tuesday.

The congress stated that Cyrenaica had suffered decades of marginalization under the ouster ruler Muammar Gaddafi. Now the oil-rich region extending from the coastal city of Sirte to Egyptian border is taking its fortunes into its own hands..... MORE


URL: http://rt.com/news/libya-split-cyrenaica-autonomy-971/

Stratfor leaks: NATO commandos in illegal special ops in Syria

Stratfor leaks: NATO commandos in illegal special ops in Syria

Undercover NATO troops are already in Syria despite denials from their parent governments, according to a leaked brief from a highly-placed analyst.

The information comes from a hacked email from leading private US intelligence agency Stratfor, whose correspondence has been released by Wikileaks since February 27. The email appears to be written from the address of Reva Bhalla (bhalla@stratfor.com), the company’s director of analysis, for internal use, and details a confidential Pentagon meeting in December. The consultation is alleged to have been attended by senior analysts from the US Air Force, and representatives from its chief allies, France and the United Kingdom...... MORE


URL: http://rt.com/news/stratfor-syria-secret-wikileaks-989/

Anonymous to prevail sans Sabu: 'He's a traitor; LulzSec long-dead; we have no leaders'

Anonymous to prevail sans Sabu: 'He's a traitor; LulzSec long-dead; we have no leaders'

“Anonymous is a hydra, cut off one head and we grow two back.”

It was one of thousands of micro-messages sent early Tuesday from Twitter accounts associated with the loose-knit yet internationally scattered and seemingly unstoppable hacking collective Anonymous. Seemingly unstoppable because a reign of high-profile assaults on governments, corporations and other entities with questionable connections has become a calling card of a group that has experienced few losses in a checkered online career that has at the same time spawned successful exploits against the likes of the FBI, CIA, SONY and the Motion Picture Association of America.

Seemingly, however, is a word absolutely worthy of emphasis in this instance..... MORE


URL: http://rt.com/usa/news/anonymous-sabu-hack-fbi-983/

‘Web users want freedom, not free stuff’ – UK Pirate Party boss

‘Web users want freedom, not free stuff’ – UK Pirate Party boss

Internet activists do not rally for “free online stuff,” the leader of the UK Pirate Party told RT. Rather, they protest against giving government tools to censor the web and to restrict civic freedoms.

Online users who came to protest against ACTA bill in Europe and SOPA and PIPA legislations in the United States, did not rally for “free online stuff” but were inspired by more selfless goals, leader of the UK Pirate Party Loz Kaye says.

"It is not about free stuff. It is about free people and free expression – that is what is driving people out onto the street,” he said..... MORE


URL: http://rt.com/news/web-free-pirate-internet-017/

Pagcor’s smelly ‘corporate governance’ CROSSROADS Jonathan De la Cruz 03/07/2012

Pagcor’s smelly ‘corporate governance’

Jonathan De la Cruz
If Secretary Edwin Lacierda and his colleagues in that three headed Palace Communications Group (PCG) think they have drowned out public outrage over their hasty clearing-cum-bumbling defense of Philippine Amusement and Gaming Corp. (Pagcor) Chairman and CEO Bong Naguiat’s decidedly illegal acceptance of “gifts and cash” from Japanese pachinko king and Pagcor Entertainment City locator, Kazuo Okada, they have another think coming.

Up to now, loads of letters and messages condemning Naguiat’s stance and the administration’s double standard have been pouring in non-stop. They were particularly incensed by P-Noy’s insistence that his administration has afforded both Naguiat and Chief Justice Renato Corona the “presumption of innocence” which is a laugh given the battering which the latter has been subjected to from day one of this daang matuwid regime..... MORE

SourceThe Daily Tribune

URL: http://www.tribuneonline.org/commentary/20120307com4.html

Luisita farmers slam Noy’s Sereno for sell-out By Benjamin B. Pulta 03/07/2012

Luisita farmers slam Noy’s Sereno for sell-out

By Benjamin B. Pulta 03/07/2012

Farmers belonging to the Alyansa ng mga Manggagawang Bukid sa Asyenda Luisita (Ambala) and Unyon ng mga Mangagawa sa Agrikultura (Uma) held a rally at the Supreme Court yesterday, asking the High Court to rule on the case with finality involving the disputed Hacienda Luisita, owned by the family of the president.
The protesting farm workers slammed President Aquino’s appointee to the SC, Associate Justice Lourdes Sereno, who, in her dissenting opinion on the case, said Hacienda Luisita, Inc. (HLI) and Luisita Realty, Inc.
shall be entitled to the payment of just compensation for the agricultural lands based on their fair market value as of Jan. 2, 2006, which would give the President and his Cojuangco-Aquino relatives some P10 billion which the farmers can hardly afford to pay.

The High Court’s decision entitled HLI to just compensation for the agricultural land that will be transferred to the Department of Agrarian Reform (DAR) to be reckoned from Nov. 21, 1989..... MORE

SourceThe Daily Tribune

URL: http://www.tribuneonline.org/headlines/20120307hed5.html

CJ accounts OK as evidence but to remain undisclosed By Angie M. Rosales 03/07/2012


CJ accounts OK as evidence but to remain undisclosed

By Angie M. Rosales 03/07/2012

While the Senate impeachment court ruled yesterday to accept the prosecution panel’s alleged “leaked” bank records offer as evidence against Supreme Court Chief Justice Renato Corona on his purported undisclosed peso and dollar accounts, the bank records primarily Corona’s foreign currency accounts will not be divulged.

The ruling was arrived at in a closed-door caucus and will be the subject later of a “lengthy, formal and written” document, Senate President Juan Ponce Enrile, sitting as presiding officer in the impeachment proceedings, said.

He emphasized there will be no “opening” of accounts of Corona especially on his alleged foreign deposit accounts under the said ruling..... MORE

SourceThe Daily Tribune

URL: http://www.tribuneonline.org/headlines/20120307hed1.html

Noy nixes addt’l bodyguards, wants bullet-proof car 03/07/2012

Noy nixes addt’l bodyguards, wants bullet-proof car

Amid confirmation of an alleged coup plot supposedly being hatched by whom Malacañang referred to as group trying to regain power, President Aquino doesn’t see any need to beef up his security details, but would welcome a new presidential car — perhaps a bullet-proof and bomb-resistant vehicle like the controversial Porsche which he once had.

In warding off an idea of detailing more presidential guards to look after the President, deputy presidential spokesman Abigail Valte said that even if there are basis to believe on the supposed ouster plot, such effort would not prosper citing the high professionalism of the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) from where new recruits would allegedly come from.

“We are confident the AFP remains a professional organization and will always follow the chain of command,” Valte said in a radio interview..... MORE

SourceThe Daily Tribune

URL: http://www.tribuneonline.org/nation/20120307nat2.html

Hundreds of cops to secure GMA at Iggy funeral mass Gina Peralta-Elorde 03/07/2012

Hundreds of cops to secure GMA at Iggy funeral mass

Gina Peralta-Elorde 03/07/2012

Security measures are all set for former President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo who was allowed by the court to attend the funeral mass for her brother-in-law, the late Negros Occidental Rep. Ignacio “Iggy” Arroyo Jr. on Friday.

National Capital Region Police Office (NCRPO) director Allan Purisima disclosed that hundreds of policemen will be deployed to secure the former president.

Purisima however refused to give further details but he noted that there are security arrangements from the Veterans Memorial Medical Center (VMMC) in Quezon City where Mrs. Arroyo has been placed on hospital arrest..... MORE

SourceThe Daily Tribune

URL: http://www.tribuneonline.org/metro/20120307met4.html

Palace: New intermodal bus terminals to ease metro traffic By Pat C. Santos 03/07/2012

Palace: New intermodal bus terminals to ease metro traffic

By Pat C. Santos 03/07/2012

To decongest Metro Manila roads of thousand of buses jamming traffic in its cities, Malacaang has ordered the fast-tracking of the construction of two intermodal terminals for provincial buses plying North and South Luzon.

Metro Manila Development Authority Chairman Francis Tolentino said the one terminal in Balintawak will serve buses plying northern routes and another in Taguig will serve buses on southern routes. A large parcel of land at the exit point of South Luzon expressway (Slex) where the former Food Terminal Incorporated stood will be the site of the Taguig terminal..... MORE

SourceThe Daily Tribune

URL: http://www.tribuneonline.org/metro/20120307met1.html

Gabriela solons seek amendment of sexual harassment law 03/07/2012

Gabriela solons seek amendment of sexual harassment law

Gabriela Rep. Luz Ilagan has called for amendments to Republic Act 7877 or the Anti-Sexual Harassment Act in support of former Philippine Olympic Committee President Cristy Ramos who has sought redress for alleged sexual harassment by the Philippine Azkals team.

“They should be taught a lesson. The likes of Angel Guirado and Lexton Moy as well as their team mates who tolerated their improper comments and actuations should be taught respect and decorum. They should realize that because they are members of the Philippine team, young boys look up to them and their recent actions do not set a good example for the youth,” said Ilagan..... MORE

SourceThe Daily Tribune

URL: http://www.tribuneonline.org/metro/20120307met2.html

Palace: New intermodal bus terminals to ease metro traffic By Pat C. Santos 03/07/2012

Palace: New intermodal bus terminals to ease metro traffic

By Pat C. Santos 03/07/2012

To decongest Metro Manila roads of thousand of buses jamming traffic in its cities, Malacaang has ordered the fast-tracking of the construction of two intermodal terminals for provincial buses plying North and South Luzon.

Metro Manila Development Authority Chairman Francis Tolentino said the one terminal in Balintawak will serve buses plying northern routes and another in Taguig will serve buses on southern routes. A large parcel of land at the exit point of South Luzon expressway (Slex) where the former Food Terminal Incorporated stood will be the site of the Taguig terminal.

Tolentino disclosed that President Aquino during a cabinet meeting had prioritized the said construction and designated Transportation and Communication Secretary Mar Roxas as the project chairman and Tolentino as vice chairman..... MORE

SourceThe Daily Tribune

URL: http://www.tribuneonline.org/metro/20120307met1.html

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