• 6 AUGUST - *1907 - Gen. Macario Sakay, one of the Filipino military leaders who had continued fighting the imperialist United States invaders eight years into the Ph...
    12 years ago


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Highly unpresidential, and unconstitutional FRONTLINE Ninez Cacho-Olivares 01/17/2012

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Highly unpresidential, and unconstitutional

Ninez Cacho-Olivares
Noynoy really should stop trying to influence the senators, as well as his devotees to convict Chief Justice Renato Corona, because what he is doing goes against the constitutional grain of the executive branch’s non-interference in a case which is the business of the legislative branch.

If in an ordinary court case — whether with political undertones or otherwise — a president is always cautioned not to comment on this, pro or anti, mainly due to the fact that any presidential comment can be taken to influence the court, all the more that in an impeachment case, especially when Noynoy has not hidden his hatred for the CJ even before he ascended to the presidency.

He has even come out publicly, on the day of the convening of the Senate impeachment court that he wants the CJ convicted..... MORE

SourceThe Daily Tribune

URL: http://www.tribuneonline.org/commentary/20120117com2.html

Resolution resistance: West rejects Russia's Syria draft (w/ Video)

Resolution resistance: West rejects Russia's Syria draft

Western diplomats pushing for tough action against Damascus have criticized Russia’s new draft UN resolution for being too conciliatory. But while experts argue over drafts and texts, innocent Syrians are living in constant fear for their lives.

­After weeks of criticism over the slow pace of talks, Russia has submitted a new draft UN resolution designed to bring peace to Syria, which calls on all sides to halt the violence..... MORE

URL: http://rt.com/news/russia-resolution-syria-un-949/

Obama sued over indefinite detention and torture of Americans act

 Obama sued over indefinite detention and torture of Americans act

In the past, journalist Chris Hedges has worked for NPR, The New York Times and the Christian Science Monitor. In his latest endeavor, however, he is teaming up with an unlikely pair: a couple of attorneys that will help him take on the president.

US President Barack Obama is the target of a suit filed by Pulitzer Prize-winner Hedges, and the reasoning seems more than obvious to him. The decision to take the commander-in-chief to court comes as a response to President Obama’s December 31 signing of the National Defense Authorization Act, or NDAA, a legislation that allows the US military to detain American citizens indefinitely at off-site torture prisons like Guantanamo Bay..... MORE


URL: http://rt.com/usa/news/obama-hedges-ndaa-sued-933/

Wikiout! English Wikipedia anti-SOPA blackout looms

Wikiout! English Wikipedia anti-SOPA blackout looms

 The world’s most popular online encyclopedia, Wikipedia, is going on strike on Wednesday. The “knowledge blackout” is aimed at protecting the Internet - and the website’s very existence – from online censorship.

The Wikipedia community and the Wikimedia foundation decided on a global blackout of the English version of the website for 24 hours starting at 05:00 UTC on January 18. The move followed a heated discussion which attracted the highest number of participants in the project’s 11-year history..... MORE


URL: http://rt.com/news/wikipedia-blackout-sopa-pipa-953/

Modern America: Occupy the Dream? (w/ Video)

Modern America: Occupy the Dream?

Four months after Occupy Wall Street grew into a nationwide phenomenon, America's Occupy activists plan to descend on Capitol Hill to “Occupy Congress” on Tuesday in what organizers hope could be the movement's largest gathering yet.

­A press release posted on the movement’s Facebook page pledges "the largest national unification of Occupiers to date."

"Though our grievances are many, the common theme that runs through them will be amplified on the steps of Capitol Hill: corporations, special interests and money from the autocratic elite has created a government that is unable to govern for the people," the release stated..... MORE

URL: http://rt.com/news/us-youth-business-occupy-941/

Church of transnational capital, it’s God and his commandments AN OUTSIDERS VIEW Ken Fuller 01/17/2012

Church of transnational capital, it’s God and his commandments

Ken Fuller
Reading many Filipino commentaries on economic matters, one gets the impression that their authors consider the various elements of the status quo to be unalterable features of the economic environment, just as typhoons and thunder are features of the natural environment, or, alternatively, that they must have been decreed by a source as authoritative as that which handed Moses the stone tablets on Mount Sinai. And this, as we will see, is not far from the truth.

If there is one clear distinction between the prevailing economic creed and the Decalogue, it is that the latter was written by and for Israelites. The god Yahweh was a national god, initially one of several. The Decalogue was, therefore, addressed to Israelites (initially known as Hebrews) — although not all of them. Consider the following.

“But the seventh day is the sabbath of the Lord thy God: In it thou shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, thy manservant, nor thy maidservant, nor thy cattle, nor any stranger that is within thy gates.”.... MORE

SourceThe Daily Tribune

URL: http://www.tribuneonline.org/commentary/20120117com5.html

So here’s what you think NO HOLDS BARRED Armida Siguion-Reyna 01/17/2012

So here’s what you think

Armida Siguion-Reyna
Watching ANC, live. The impeachment proceedings at the Senate are yet to open. So far there are only the voices of Karen Davila, Tony Velasquez and Linda Jumila, while the cameras show the plenary hall just about beginning to fill up with guests to the left and right of the place. In the center the VIPs are starting to take their seats, on the sides the lawyers for the prosecution and the defense are seated.

On a personal note, allow me to express just how badly I miss my husband, Sig, especially the asides he’d be making in the here and there of the main argument on hand.

Last Friday, I reminisced about the Renato Corona I knew, way before he had become Supreme Court (SC) Chief Justice, and asked: “Tell me, what you think. e-mail me your thoughts. Is the main accusation against Renato Corona true? Has he done nothing but shield the woman who installed him in his post? What else have we found out about him since when this first came out?”.... MORE

SourceThe Daily Tribune

URL: http://www.tribuneonline.org/commentary/20120117com4.html

3-man brain behind ouster move — CJ 01/17/2012


3-man brain behind ouster move — CJ

Not one. Not two, but three officials are behind the move to oust Chief Justice Renato Corona from his position as the highest magistrate, Corona revealed as he also shut down calls for his resignation, saying only death will make him leave his post, not resignation.

In a press conference, President Aquino said that he expects no less than a conviction of Corona in the impeachment court, throwing out the window the principle of separation of powers.
Aquino described the charges filed by his 188 allies at the House of Representative as “solid.”.... MORE

SourceThe Daily Tribune

URL: http://www.tribuneonline.org/headlines/20120117hed1.html

WB memo on ‘misuse’ of SC loan another hoax By Charlie V. Manalo 01/17/2012


WB memo on ‘misuse’ of SC loan another hoax

By Charlie V. Manalo 01/17/2012

A supposed World Bank memorandum criticizing the misuse of a $21 million loan for the Judicial Reform Support Project (JRSP) released way back in 2003 but singling out Chief Justice Renato Corona is proving to be another hoax that was fabricated as part of an elaborate Palace-led campaign to oust the Supreme Court head as an officer of the World Bank denied sending an e-mail containing the memo sent to newspapers yesterday before the opening of the impeachment trial at the Senate court.

Prior to the distribution of the e-mail the House prosecutors revealed the existence of the memorandum on Sunday while Sen. Franklin Drilon in a separate press statement said he had filed a resolution since Jan. 9 for a Senate investigation into the memorandum.

Local newspapers received e-mails containing the supposed memorandum stating that the World Bank found “unsatisfactory” the progress of the JRSP and stating that since mid-2010 when Corona was appointed to his post, the progress of the project was supposedly rated “unsatisfactory.”.... MORE

SourceThe Daily Tribune

URL: http://www.tribuneonline.org/headlines/20120117hed3.html

269 Pinoy sailors of sunk Italian ship safe — DFA By Michaela P. del Callar 01/17/2012

269 Pinoy sailors of sunk Italian ship safe — DFA

By Michaela P. del Callar 01/17/2012

The 296 Filipino crew-members of the capsized Italian cruise ship are all “safe” and “accounted for,” the Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) said yesterday.

They will return to the Philippines within the week, the DFA said, adding that Costa Crociere S.p.A, the company which owns the cruise ship, will start organizing repatriation flights for its crew members from Italy today..... MORE

SourceThe Daily Tribune

URL: http://www.tribuneonline.org/nation/20120117nat4.html

Noynoy signs bill conferring civil service eligibility to councilors 01/17/2012

Noynoy signs bill conferring civil service eligibility to councilors

Senate President Pro Tempore Jinggoy Ejercito Estrada’s bill conferring on members of the Sangguniang Bayan, Sangguniang Panlungsod at Sangguniang Panlalawigan the appropriate civil service eligibility has now been enacted into law.

The Republic Act 10156, principally authored by Sen. Estrada through Senate Bill 2735, grants an eligibility equivalent to a Career Service Professional Eligibility to council members who served an aggregate period of nine years, provided that they are a holder of a bachelor’s degree..... MORE

SourceThe Daily Tribune

URL: http://www.tribuneonline.org/nation/20120117nat1.html

Ex-Navy captain reiterates innocence on Pestaos death By Mario J. Mallari 01/17/2012

Ex-Navy captain reiterates innocence on Pestaos death

By Mario J. Mallari 01/17/2012

The former Navy captain recommended to be indicted for murder for the death of Ensign Philip Andrew Pestao in 1995 yesterday reiterated innocence of the case, stressing the victim committed suicide after encountering personal problems.

Retired Navy Capt. Ricardo Ordonez, who was the commanding officer of BRP Bacolod City where Pestao was recovered dead inside his cabin in Sept. 1995, vowed to face the revival of the case after the Office of the Ombudsman last week reversed earlier findings declaring it as suicide.

I am willing (to face the charges), I will not run away from this, Ordoez said..... MORE

SourceThe Daily Tribune

URL: http://www.tribuneonline.org/metro/20120117met2.html

DoE, ADB choose QC as site to pilot test E-Trike project By Arlie O. Calalo 01/17/2012

DoE, ADB choose QC as site to pilot test E-Trike project

By Arlie O. Calalo 01/17/2012

The Department of Energy (DoE) and the Asian Development Bank (ADB) have chosen Quezon City as pilot testing site for the implementation of a scale-up E-Trike project that will allow the use of renewable energy and green technologies for the city’s tricycles.

Under the project, QC will be given an E-Trike allocation of 22,000 units over a five-year period, which is the second largest allocation given to any local government unit in the country, next only to Cabanatuan City, and the largest given among LGUs in Metro Manila.

“While the figures are indicative and non-binding to either party, they show the level of commitment of the local government units to move toward energy efficient tricycle operations, said DoE Undersecretary Loreta Ayson, in a letter to QC Mayor Herbert Bautista..... MORE

SourceThe Daily Tribune

URL: http://www.tribuneonline.org/metro/20120117met3.html

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