• 6 AUGUST - *1907 - Gen. Macario Sakay, one of the Filipino military leaders who had continued fighting the imperialist United States invaders eight years into the Ph...
    12 years ago


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Aquino acting as spokesperson of Hacienda Luisita – Pamalakaya

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Aquino acting as spokesperson of Hacienda Luisita – Pamalakaya

“The value of the hundreds of thousands of tons of Luisita sugar comes from the labor of the farmers and the mill workers. Without them, the Hacienda would have remained a vacant lot.The farmers have already paid for their lands many times over.” – Anakbayan

President Benigno Aquino III is using his influence as executive to throw a monkey wrench in the preparations for the transfer ownership of the Hacienda Luisita sugar estate to qualified agrarian reform beneficiaries.

This was the allegation of the fisherfolk alliance Pambansang ng Kilusang Mamamalakaya ng Pilipinas (Pamalakaya), one of the long-time supporters of the farmworkers of Hacienda Luisita.

Pamalakaya chairman Fernando Hicap said Aquino would do well to remember that he is the president of the country and not the spokesperson of Hacienda Luisita Inc. (HLI). Hicap was reacting to the statement made by Aquino that the land owners of HLI deserve “just compensation from the government” once they relinquish their control over the sprawling 6,453-hectare hacienda, of which 4,915 hectares have been declared by the Supreme Court as immediately viable for land reform.

While he refused to directly comment on the Supreme Court’s decision declaring that Hacienda Luisita should be given to the farmworkers, Aquino said one sector should not be sacrificed just to accommodate the other on the issue of land distribution..... MORE


URL: http://bulatlat.com/main/2011/11/30/aquino-acting-as-spokesperson-of-hacienda-luisita-pamalakaya/

George Orwell’s guide to the news

George Orwell’s guide to the news

Photo credit: RT.com

 The Western mainstream media falsifies the news resorting to euphemisms, half-truths and lies in the best (worst) style of George Orwell’s novel 1984. We all live in the unreal world of “Newspeak” used by the Global Power Elite to control our minds.

Man gets confused when things that happen around him and to him, or which are done in his name, cannot be properly grasped, understood or made sense of. Normally, such confusion leads to inaction. If you’re lost at night in the middle of a forest but you can still see the stars, then a bit of astronomical knowledge will at least quickly tell you which way is north. But if it’s cloudy or you’re ignorant of the constellations in starry heaven, then you might as well light up a fire and do nothing until dawn…. You’re Lost!

Today, mainstream media coverage uses programmed distortion, confusion, even outright lying when its Money Power masters order it to support the “official story” on any major political, economic or financial process..... MORE


URL: http://rt.com/news/media-lies-global-elite-447/

Strike 1: UK civil servants cripple country (w/ Video)

 Strike 1: UK civil servants cripple country

More than 2 million participants put the public sector on hold in the UK, as unions stage a massive public sector strike. It is the largest of its kind in 30 years.

­A public services strike called for by the United Kingdom’s Trades Union Congress (TUC), has taken effect on Wednesday, the largest work stoppage of its kind in more than 30 years.  The strike targets public schools, the health sector, UK court systems and transportation systems as well.  More than 2 million workers are expected to participate, in rallies and picket lines all across the country.

At the heart of the issue are cuts to public sector pension programs asking workers to contribute 3% more of their own money into the system, raising the retirement age to the age of 66 by the year 2020 and to amend pensions to be based on the average of a career rather than the final salary.  Unions are strongly against the proposed reforms which the TUC argues would make workers pay more and work longer for fewer benefits..... MORE


URL: http://rt.com/news/public-sector-uk-strike-573/

Occupy LA camp raided, cops arrest over 200 (PHOTOS)

Occupy LA camp raided, cops arrest over 200 (PHOTOS) 

The Los Angeles police chief says more than 200 Occupy LA protesters were arrested as over a thousand officers moved in to dismantle the Occupy LA City Hall Camp. A similar encampment in Philadelphia have been cleaned early hours on Wednesday.

­Messages on Twitter suggest 10 to 15 people have been arrested in Philadelphia and one person has been sent to hospital as police on horses apparently trampled peaceful protesters.. Messages also suggest police using extreme measures to silence the movement while protesters remain non-violent.

Reports also suggest police are stepping up as law enforcers in LA have closed off streets surrounding the encampment as hundreds waited for what they believed was an imminent operation.

Messages on Twitter from LA reveal the wrangle between the two sides. Police tell protesters they are in violation of penal codes. Protesters tell police they are in violation of the Constitution..... MORE

SourceThe Daily Tribune

URL: http://rt.com/news/occupy-us-camps-dismantle-543/

Malaysia tribes struggle with modern problems focus 11/30/2011

Malaysia tribes struggle with modern problems


SUNGAI ASAP — Tribal chief Danny Ibang lived most of his life in the pristine jungles of the Malaysian portion of Borneo island until he was pushed into a modern world he was told would be better.

And in many ways, it is.

His Kenyah community of 2,000 enjoys electricity, running water, health and educational facilities previously undreamed-of since being moved out of the jungles to a new village to make way for the huge Bakun hydroelectric dam.

But as expanding dams, oil-palm plantations and other development forces thousands off ancestral lands in the state of Sarawak, a host of modern new problems threaten to break down once tight-knit tribal communities.
Village elders and activists say alcoholism, drug use, and crime are on the increase and anger is rising over continuing encroachment on native lands..... MORE

SourceThe Daily Tribune

URL: http://www.tribuneonline.org/commentary/20111130com5.html

Legal experts to Aquino govt: Comply with peace agreements

Legal experts to Aquino govt: Comply with peace agreements

“Agreements are binding and not only pieces of paper. One of the basic principles of international law is that agreements must be executed in good faith. There are no documents without obligation.” – Jan Fermon, professor of law at the University of Maastricht and a member of the International Legal Advisory Team
MANILA – A group of international legal experts urged the Aquino government to comply with the past agreements it signed with the National Democratic Front of the Philippines (NDFP).

In a press conference via Skype from Utrecht, the Netherlands, Nov.14, members of the newly-formed International Legal Advisory Team (Ilat) said that if the Government of the Philippine (GPH) wants peace talks to move forward, it must respect the 12 important agreements signed by both parties since 1992.

Peace talks between the Government of the Philippines (GPH) and the NDFP have been stalled since June, with the GPH refusing to release the remaining 13 NDFP detained consultants. The NDFP decried it as a violation of Joint Agreement on Safety and Immunity Guarantees (Jasig) and of Comprehensive Agreement on Respect for Human Rights and International Humanitarian Law (CARHRIHL).

Jan Fermon, professor of law at the University of Maastricht and a member of Ilat, said the GPH has not respected its own commitment to abide by the agreements it has signed. “The only way?forward,” he declared, “is to respect and comply with these agreements.”

The more than 40-year old armed revolutionary struggle in the Philippines is the longest in Asia.
“Agreements are binding and not only pieces of paper,” Fermon said. “One of the basic principles of international law is that agreements must be executed in good faith. There are no documents without obligation.”.... MORE


URL: http://bulatlat.com/main/2011/11/17/legal-experts-to-aquino-govt-comply-with-peace-agreements/

The EcoShield advantage C.R.O.S.S.R.O.A.D.S Jonathan De la Cruz 11/30/2011

The EcoShield advantage

Jonathan De la Cruz
Wonder no more why Bulacan Gov. Willy Sy Alvarado has braved all odds in pushing for the EcoShield Project in Barangay Salambao, Obando, a coastal town along the heavily polluted Marilao-Meycauayan-Obando River System (MMORS) which flows to the Manila Bay. The former three-term congressman is an active environmentalist and was one of the principal sponsors of the country’s much heralded environmental laws such as the Solid Waste Management Act and Clean Water Act, among others. In fact, he has gone out of his way to convince his constituents to actively participate in the Supreme Court mandated clean-up of the rivers as part of the bigger “Writ of Kalikasan” initiative under then Chief Justice Reynato Puno to rehabilitate Manila Bay.

One notes that the MMORS has been identified by various environmental groups, including the New York-based Blacksmith Institute, as one of the world’s dirtiest river systems. Combined with the Pasig River and its various tributaries all of which flow out into Manila Bay carrying the heavy pollutants of various kinds from a densely populated Metro Manila and its influenced areas you will appreciate why such a comprehensive clean up within the places mentioned has become a matter of extreme urgency..... MORE

SourceThe Daily Tribune

URL: http://www.tribuneonline.org/commentary/20111130com4.html

Senate produces more witnesses in 2004, 2007 poll fraud 11/30/2011

Senate produces more witnesses in 2004, 2007 poll fraud

More witnesses — albeit not too credible — are surfacing before the Senate, with the latest witness yesterday claiming to have witnessed the alleged poll fraud operations in Mindanao during the 2007 mid-term elections, saying he was present when then President Arroyo told Maguindanao Gov. Datu Andal Ampatuan Sr. to ensure the delivery of 12-0 victory in favor of the administration ticket, Team Unity (TU).

The witness, however, admitted that he did not hear her say to rig the polls; only to give TU a 12-0 victory.

But in the process of trying to implicate the direct involvement of Arroyo and Ampatuan, the witness also linked resigned Sen. Juan Miguel Zubiri to the poll fraud..... MORE

SourceThe Daily Tribune

URL: http://www.tribuneonline.org/headlines/20111130hed4.html

Estrada seeks reopening of PEACe bonds scam probe 11/30/2011

Estrada seeks reopening of PEACe bonds scam probe

The Senate blue ribbon and ways and means committees were directed yesterday to reopen their probe into the alleged grossly disadvantageous transaction behind the P35-billion Poverty Eradication and Alleviation Certificates (PEACe) bonds and finally put closure to the case.

Senate President Pro Tempore Jinggoy Estrada filed Resolution 638 directing the two committees to conduct an inquiry in aid of legislation into the government’s borrowing process in relation to the issuance of PEACe bonds and determine who are the accountable personalities behind this deal.

The issuance of the PEACe bonds was considered done through a sweetheart deal with the previous ad-ministration of President Arroyo that resulted in its architect, the Caucus of Development NGO Net-works, which had as its officials now Social Welfare Secretary Dinky Soliman and Presidential Adviser on the Peace Process Ging Deles, to earn P1.3 billion in quick windfalls..... MORE

SourceThe Daily Tribune

URL: http://www.tribuneonline.org/headlines/20111130hed3.html

Imus mayor expects ‘fair treatment’ from Comelec By Mina Diaz 11/30/2011

Imus mayor expects ‘fair treatment’ from Comelec

By Mina Diaz 11/30/2011

Beleaguered Imus mayor Homer Saquilayan of Cavite expressed confidence that he would get a “fair treatment” from the Commission on Elections (Comelec) after the Imus Regional Trial Court again affirmed its decision ousting him from his post.

Last Monday, judge Cesar Mangrobang of the Imus RTC Branch 22 granted the motion for execution pending an appeal of the Nov. 15 decision he issued declaring Emmanuel Maliksi as the “real” winner in the 2010 Imus mayoralty race, following a manual recount of 25,036 votes from 53 local precincts.

“The clerk of Court… is hereby directed to issue the corresponding Writ of Execution to enforce the directives in the decision dated Nov. 15, 2011 and to immediately install Emmanuel Maliksi as mayor of (this) municipality,” Mangrobang’s order read.

Saquilayan, who ran under the Nacionalista Party (NP), was proclaimed winner by the Comelec with 8,499 votes over Maliksi of the Liberal Party.

But in the poll recount supervised by Mangrobang, the court nullified 8,387 ballots for being “stray votes,” thereby erasing the lead of Saquilayan over Maliksi..... MORE

SourceThe Daily Tribune

URL: http://www.tribuneonline.org/nation/20111130nat2.html

Paguia dared to challenge poll sabotage law before SC By Virgilio J. Bugaoisan 11/30/2011

Paguia dared to challenge poll sabotage law before SC

By Virgilio J. Bugaoisan 11/30/2011

Malacaang twitted suspended lawyer Alan Paguias claim that the electoral sabotage case filed against former President and now Pampanga Rep. Gloria Arroyo is unconstitutional and challenged him to take his position to the Supreme Court (SC).

Presidential spokesman Edwin Lacierda said in a press briefing that the former lawyer of deposed President Estrada should file a petition before the SC seeking to nullify the electoral sabotage case against Mrs. Arroyo if he is really sure with his position that the charges filed are indeed unconstitutional.

Let him (Paguia) argue. Let him intervene in the case if he wants to and let him file a petition (before the SC) to question the constitutionality (of the electoral sabotage law). That law was passed by Congress so let him argue the merits of the case, he said..... MORE

SourceThe Daily Tribune

URL: http://www.tribuneonline.org/nation/20111130nat3.html

‘JV’ Ejercito calls for grand commemoration of ‘Bonifacio Day’ 11/30/2011

‘JV’ Ejercito calls for grand commemoration of ‘Bonifacio Day’

With the 148th celebration of Andres Bonifacio Day today, San Juan City Rep. Joseph Victor “JV” Ejercito yesterday urged the government through a privilege speech to organize a grand 150th commemoration for the hero to honor his great sacrifice and leadership on patriotism.

“As a lover of our rich heritage, it is unfortunate that our government gives minimum regard for our history. People can now only remember Bonifacio and the Katipuneros by reading history books and yearly tributes.

But we are not careful to remember their worth despite the great sacrifice they have given for the freedom of our country,” Ejercito addressed his colleagues last Monday afternoon.

“In fact, it has now come to a point where we are already diminishing Bonifacio’s value, as evident in our currency. Before, we had Bonifacio placed solo on P2 and P5 coins. But now we have him compressed with Apolinario Mabini on the P10 coin,” he added..... MORE

SourceThe Daily Tribune

URL: http://www.tribuneonline.org/metro/20111130met3.html

Ang Babae sa Septic Tank and its observations on indie filmmaking

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Ang Babae sa Septic Tank and its observations on indie filmmaking

In recent years, a lot of Filipino films have been representing our country in various international festivals, and these indie films seem to fall into a certain type. Together with the recognitions abroad, indie filmmakers are being criticized for indulging in, as local critics put it, “poverty porn.”

Directed by Marlon Rivera and written by Chris Martinez, Ang Babae sa Septic Tank tells a story of aspiring filmmakers set to create a film worthy of an Oscar. Armed with a screenplay which depicts poverty in the country, they believe that their film will make it big internationally.

A pre-production meeting ensues as director Rainier (played by Kean Cipriano), producer Bingbong (played by JM de Guzman), and production assistant Jocelyn (played by Cai Cortez) brainstorm on how to go about their indie film entitled “Walang-Wala.” Set in an urban poor community, their film is about a mother named Mila who sells one of her many children to a pedophile to survive. They later get to meet the star, Ms. Eugene Domingo (as herself), who expressed her excitement in playing a lead role in an indie project.

Different approaches regarding the execution of the script come up throughout the movie, as these were vividly presented from Jocelyn’s imagination. Turning it into a documentary drama was suggested, where the people who have actually experienced the story are intended to be characters. The story was also visualized as a musical, complete with the production numbers, and the slum community had a participation in singing about their lives’ desperation. A version of it in commercialized melodrama also appeared; aside from the over acting projected by the lead actress, the manifestations of product endorsements in every scene was also unmistakable.

But what Direk Rainier had in mind was a neo-realist film, and concepts such as images of squalor and shaky camera shots were mentioned. He believed his vision was clear as he strongly emphasized how he wanted the film to be realistic..... MORE


URL: http://bulatlat.com/main/2011/08/21/ang-babae-sa-septic-tank-and-its-observations-on-indie-filmmaking/

Tucay and his brand of journalism

 Tucay and his brand of journalism


MANILA — Marjohara Tucay reminded me of Muntadhar al-Zaidi, the Iraqi journalist who hurled his shoes at then US President George W. Bush.

Although Tucay did not throw his shoes at US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton during a forum in Manila, he, like al-Zaidi, expressed his disgust over US armed intervention in the Philippines. Tucay, editor in chief of the Philippine Collegian, the student publication of the University of the Philippines-Diliman, chanted slogans and unfurled a banner demanding that the Philippine government junks the Visiting Forces Agreement (VFA) and the Mutual Defense Treaty (MDT).

After the incident, GMA 7 decided to invite Tucay to be a guest in one of its programs. The decision to interview the young man would have been considered a good move — if only Howie Severino asked the right questions. Instead, Severino gave the campus journalist a lecture on “ethical journalism.” At the beginning of the “interview,” Severino said Tucay was expected to cover the event and not to protest. He did not even ask why Tucay is against the VFA and the MDT..... MORE


URL: http://bulatlat.com/main/2011/11/22/tucay-and-his-brand-of-journalism/

Fed secretly handed out $8 trillion

 Fed secretly handed out $8 trillion

We knew the last bailout from the Federal Reserve was pretty big, but not until now did we have statistics on the actually tally. If you thought that the $700 billion bailout for TARP was big, get a load of this.

Just exactly how big was the Federal Reserve’s bailout of the banks between the years of 2008 and 2010? Thanks to a Federal Request of Information Act gone fulfilled, America now knows the truth behind a colossal cover-up: almost $8 trillion.

Ever since the Fed stepped in to bail out the biggest banks in the country, Ben Bernanke and company have gone to great lengths to keep the exact details of the transactions a secret, citing that the truth would cause concern for the world financial crisis far greater than what was already at hand, saying in particular that investors would step away from the “too big to fail” banks that were benefiting from the bailout. And while Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke went on the record to call the bailouts to even the most “sound institutions” only “marginal,” details of the FOIA request obtained by Bloomberg News now reveals that the Federal Reserve spent nearly half of the entire production output of the US during that span of less than two years — the biggest bailout in the country’s history — while going to great lengths to keep Congress and the American people in the dark.... MORE

URL: http://rt.com/usa/news/fed-trillion-reserve-bailout-401/

Russia launches new missile defense to cover Atlantic (w/ Video)

Russia launches new missile defense to cover Atlantic

Russian President Dmitry Medvedev has ordered operational the newest Russian radar system that protects from missile attacks and covers all Europe and Atlantic.

Medvedev personally arrived in Russia’s westernmost exclave of Kaliningrad and received a report from the Space Defense Troops commander that the radar station was fully ready for the launch. After this, the president gave the order to put the radar on combat duty.

At the ceremony Medvedev said that the radar launch was a sign to the Western partners that Russia was ready to promptly respond to threats that arise with the start of the European missile defense. "I expect that this step will be regarded by Western partners as the first signal of our country's readiness to appropriately respond to the threats posed by the missile defense system to our strategic nuclear forces," the Russian President said..... MORE


URL: http://rt.com/politics/opens-kaliningrad-radar-station-459/

Other things NO HOLDS BARRED Armida Siguion-Reyna 11/29/2011

Other things

Armida Siguion-Reyna
And so I’m told about that even this true-blue activist on Facebook wanted to talk about the KC-Piolo break up, for a change, “nauuyam na ako kay GMA at Ram.” He might as well have added “…at kung sino ba talaga ang nanalo, si Pacquiao, o si Marquez?

Uyam says it so well, it’s not merely nagsasawa, which means “to get tired of.” Uyam directly translates “ad nauseam,” to refer to “something that has been done or repeated so often that it has become annoying or tiresome,” its Latin meaning, “literally, to sickness.”

Remember the hot pan de sal craze in the late ’70s that had bakeries sprouting like mushrooms in almost all street corners of the city? And then, after that, the lechong manok? That’s so Filipino, the penchant to go whole hog about, well, whatever. Kung ano ang usong kainin, isuot, isulat, pag-usapan, panoorin — that’s it.
Until uyam sets in, and there’s an inherent danger there, I think. I mean, to talk, and read about nothing else but the cause celebre?.... MORE

SourceThe Daily Tribune

URL: http://www.tribuneonline.org/commentary/20111129com4.html

Liberian women stalked by rape FEATURE 11/29/2011

Liberian women stalked by rape


MONROVIA — As a young girl Garmar Murphy was forced into a child soldier’s life, serving as a sexual plaything for Liberian rebels between battles — a tragic norm in the country’s savage conflict.

She was 13 years old, and rape was not criminalized.

A decade later, her country boasts Africa’s first female president, Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, who in October won a Nobel Peace Prize with Liberian activist Leymah Gbowee for their struggle to boost women’s rights and safety.
But if women have taken some steps forward in the eight years since a peace accord ended Liberia’s civil war, they haven’t left behind the threat of rape.

Rape became endemic as a weapon of fear during the 14-year-long conflict and is still rampant, going unpunished more often than not..... MORE

SourceThe Daily Tribune

URL: http://www.tribuneonline.org/commentary/20111129com3.html

Either to speed up or to go down I.N.S.I.D.E . C.O.N.G.R.E.S.S Charlie Manalo 11/29/2011

Either to speed up or to go down

I.N.S.I.D.E . C.O.N.G.R.E.S.S
Charlie Manalo
With the World Bank (WB) downgrading the country’s projected growth from 4.5 percent in October to 4.2 percent due to the weakening demand for Philippine exports as the financial crises in the US and Europe continue to worsen, President Benigno “Noynoy” Aquino has to start spending more especially in infrastructure, to help spur growth, and disregard his administration’s line of budgetary management that the more savings they incur, the better it isfor the country.

About two months ago, an opposition solon exposed that Noynoy still has to spend more than a trillion pesos of the government’s P1.645-trillion budget for 2011. With only a month left in the year, sources say Noynoy has still more than P300 billion left in the government’s coffers to spend.

Noynoy should be made aware that increased investments in infrastructure results into benefits in terms of generating jobs internally, attracting foreign investments and a strong and positive impression for the country despite global economic turmoil and that a lengthy review and delay of infrastructure projects would lead to the stagnation of development particularly in the rural areas..... MORE

SourceThe Daily Tribune

URL: http://www.tribuneonline.org/commentary/20111129com6.html

Four-corner fight VIEWPOINTS Archbishop Oscar V. Cruz 11/29/2011

Four-corner fight

Archbishop Oscar V. Cruz
Realistically said, the boxing ring has four corners that keep but two boxers within the reach of one another for only one overall purpose, viz. For them to pound each other, to draw blood from one another and more desirable, to knock down one or the other as a demonstration of fighting acumen, pugilistic tactic and stamina. Figuratively noted however, there is now an ongoing four corner fight-match in full public view with no less than four principal protagonists in the boxing arena. Presenting the gladiators: One, the Office of the President of the Philippines and his kiabigan, kaklase at kabarilan. Two, the Chief of Justice of the Philippines and the justices of the Supreme Court (SC). Three, the past President of the Philippines and her admirers plus protectors. Four, the people of the Philippines, their common good and public welfare.

There is definitely something wrong with, and disturbing, about the latter picture. The Philippines as a whole is no less than four times involved in one and the same four cornered fight. It then becomes a moral impossibility for the Philippines to be the winner in the combat which can become sordid, cruel and ultimately mortal — whichever way the fight goes..... MORE

SourceThe Daily Tribune

URL: http://www.tribuneonline.org/commentary/20111129com7.html

Disbarment rap vs De Lima filed By Benjamin B. Pulta 11/29/2011

Disbarment rap vs De Lima filed

By Benjamin B. Pulta 11/29/2011

Not only is she under threat of a contempt and jail time charge for defying the high court’s temporary restraining order (TRO), but Justice Chief Leila de Lima now also faces a disbarment case.

A private lawyer filed a disbarment complaint against De Lima for her refusal to obey the temporary restraining order issued by the Supreme Court (SC).

De Lima has denied that she had defied the high court’s order, using President Auqino appointeed SC associate Justice Lourdes Sereno’s dissenting opion which in gist said that the TRO issued by the majority justices was conditional since one of three conditions imposed was not met by the lawyers of the Arroyo couple.

This argument is being brought by as a defense by De Lima, despite the fact that the dissenting opinion came a day or so after the Justice chief had already ordered the Immigration Bureau to stop former President incumbent Rep. Gloria Arroyo and her husband, Jose Miguel, from leaving the country..... MORE

SourceThe Daily Tribune

URL: http://www.tribuneonline.org/headlines/20111129hed1.html

GMA counsels oppose doctors’ SC appearance By Benjamin B. Pulta 11/29/2011

GMA counsels oppose doctors’ SC appearance

By Benjamin B. Pulta 11/29/2011

Former president, incumbent Rep. Gloria Arroyo is contesting the government’s call for the appearance of her physicians before the Supreme Court (SC).

In a six-page opposition to the government’s motion for subpoenae ad testificandum and duces tecum, Mrs. Arroyo said the government’s plea to allow the appearance of her physicians should be denied because the SC is not a “trier of facts” and requiring the attendance of her doctors before the SC would “unnecessarily burden them, instead of the doctors just focusing on treating her.”

Arroyo’s counsel stressed that her medical records have already been submitted to the SC and were included in her petition as attachments.

Arroyo also expressed fears that her physicians may start feeling being harassed and thus might affect the treatment being conducted on her medical condition..... MORE

SourceThe Daily Tribune

URL: http://www.tribuneonline.org/headlines/20111129hed4.html

3 killed, 27 hurt in Zamboanga hotel blast 11/29/2011

3 killed, 27 hurt in Zamboanga hotel blast

A powerful explosion killed at least three persons and wounded 27 others, including three soldiers, in a pension house in Zamboanga City Sunday night, officials yesterday said.

Police said they had found traces of chemicals used in making improvised bombs in the ruins of the Atilano Pension House, hours after the blast.

The blast occurred around 9:30 p.m., said Zamboanga City Police Director Edwin de Ocampo.

Rescue workers said they had taken out at least two dead bodies and numerous severely injured people..... MORE

SourceThe Daily Tribune

URL: http://www.tribuneonline.org/headlines/20111129hed3.html

RP back as Asia’s laggard with dismal 3.2% Q3 growth 11/29/2011

RP back as Asia’s laggard with dismal 3.2% Q3 growth

Growth slowed to a dismal 3.2 percent in the third quarter that returned the Philippines to its familar role as a laggard in Southeast Asia, having one of the worst economic performances in the region for the quarter and all the result of poor management of the budget.

Economists saw the minimal expansion, the third consecutive quarter under Aquino that growth had skidded, as resulting from underspending or tighter controls imposed by the administration on the release of public funds that acted as a drag on the economy.

The economic sector that slowed the most was the construction industry which University of the Philippines (UP) economist Benjamin Diokno said contracted due to the failure of the Aquino administration to implement projects which were authorized and approved by Congress..... MORE

SourceThe Daily Tribune

URL: http://www.tribuneonline.org/headlines/20111129hed6.html

Cayetano earns ire of Sotto over RH bill deliberations By Angie M. Rosales 11/29/2011

Cayetano earns ire of Sotto over RH bill deliberations

By Angie M. Rosales 11/29/2011

Sen. Pia Cayetano yesterday earned the ire of Majority Leader Vicente Sotto III after she made insinuations on supposed intentional delay in deliberations of the controversial Reproductive Health (RH) bill.

Sotto gave the lady senator a mouthful during the afternoon plenary proceedings after Cayetano made the statement when she attempted to speed up deliberations on the measure which she sponsors as being health committee chairman by moving it to the period of interpellations and period of debates.

Cayetano will be left on her own in defending the bill as her co-sponsor, Senator Miriam Defensor-Santiago is scheduled to leave again for the United States today, to campaign for her bid in gaining a seat in the International Criminal Court (ICC).

But even before the heated exchanges on the floor, Cayetano and Santiago accused the upper chamber leadership to be engaged in a deliberate effort to delay the passage of the bill..... MORE

SourceThe Daily Tribune

URL: http://www.tribuneonline.org/nation/20111129nat1.html

Koko: GMA ‘fit to go to jail’ 11/29/2011

Koko: GMA ‘fit to go to jail’

Now that former President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo has been declared “fit to go home” by her doctors, she is now also “fit to go to jail.”

Thus, declared Sen. Aquilino “Koko” Pimentel III as he revealed that Arroyo’s recent arrest was the outcome of a case he had filed against her for alleged cheating during the 2007 senatorial elections.

“I am the reason why GMA has been arrested,” Pimentel said in remarks before the Grand General Membership Meeting of JCI Manila.

“This case is but a chapter in our crusade for a better Philippines,” he added..... MORE

SourceThe Daily Tribune

URL: http://www.tribuneonline.org/metro/20111129met4.html

Bus drivers to receive basic salary starting January, says MMDA 11/29/2011

Bus drivers to receive basic salary starting January, says MMDA

Bus drivers will soon start having their own basic salary, in a bid to prevent them from trying to outrace each other to pick up passengers, the Metropolitan Manila Development Authority (MMDA) said.

MMDA Chairman Francis Tolentino said that a plan is being considered to give bus drivers a regular pay starting January next year instead of being on commission basis.

Tolentino said the Department of Labor and Employment (DoLE) is reviewing a draft department wage order about the issue.

“Hindi na kailangan ng bagong batas, gagawan na lang ng department wage order. Tapos na yan, pinagaaralan ng DoLE sa pangangasiwa ni Labor Secretary Rosalinda Baldoz ang mechanics,” Tolentino said in an interview over dzBB radio..... MORE

SourceThe Daily Tribune

URL: http://www.tribuneonline.org/metro/20111129met1.html

Things just get worse DIE HARD III Herman Tiu Laurel 11/28/2011

Monday, November 28, 2011

Things just get worse

Herman Tiu Laurel
While mainstream media, politicians, lawyers, text addicts, and the man-on-the-street get sucked into a Gloria Arroyo-carping mindset, the situation on the ground just keeps getting worse. A new think tank that’s making its presence felt recently released some startling findings about the Philippines.

A report by Stratbase entitled, “Study traces poverty incidence to vested interests,” cited World Bank data showing the increase in the number of poverty-stricken Filipinos by 3.4 million between the years 2008 and 2009. Even worse, its comparison of growth rates in Asia showed how much of a basket case we are. It said that “while East Asian economies posted average annual GDP growth rates from 3.6 to 6.0 percent between 1960 and 2008, the Philippines only managed an annual average increase of 1.4 percent during the same period.”

But there’s more: While the Asian Development Bank (ADB) was said to have found “that for every one percent growth in gross domestic product (GDP), poverty incidence has gone down by an average of 1.5 percent across the world and two percent within Asia… poverty incidence in the Philippines had actually risen since 2003, a time when the economy (was) thought to have grown very well.”

Even with the modicum of growth the Philippines has supposedly gained, not only is its poverty incidence not been reduced — it is, in fact, growing. What this means is that we are doing even worse than Africa.
As I have always said, the Philippines is on course toward “Africanization,” i.e. becoming as poor as the poorest in Africa. But, it seems, we are now getting there even faster.

So who exactly are these “vested interests?” They are the “rent seekers” whom Stratbase says “attempt to derive ‘economic rent’ by manipulating the social or political environment in which economic activities occur, rather than by adding value.” Even though it failed to provide specifics, it’s quite easy to glean that these rent seekers comprise the oligarchs who use their money powers to obtain concessions from government and/or take over state contracts and assets; politicians who use their positions to enrich themselves; media prostitutes who peddle information and opinion for a fee; as well as lawyers who answer to the highest bidder; and so on.

Notably, only a few choose not to be part of this rent seeking class. A fine example is eminent lawyer and constitutionalist Alan Paguia, who, despite being among the first to criticize the Department of Justice’s hold departure order, declined the offer to join the legal team of Gloria Arroyo, leaving his other compañeros to stumble over one another in hopping aboard the hospitalized lawmaker’s defense bandwagon.

Still, there is a very deep irony in Stratbase itself. While it indicts the vested interests or rent seekers, its officers and academic resources also have strong ties to these oligarchs or their intellectual hires.

Its chairman Jose Ibazeta, for example, was an Anscor (A. Soriano Corp.) president, as well as a director and treasurer of a known port management giant, and a chairman of state holding firm, Psalm (Power Sector Assets and Liabilities Management Corp.), which privatizes our country’s power assets to the oligarchs.

Meanwhile, Antonio “Tony Boy” Cojuangco is a member of the board, along with Amboy Foreign Affairs Secretary Albert del Rosario. Among its academic advisers are Calixto Chikiamco of the pro-privatization Foundation for Economic Freedom; Ayala adviser Randy David; and pro-USAid RH (Reproductive Health) bill law professor Raul Pangalangan.

In its prospectus, Stratbase says, “Our knowledge of the government and the ability to establish strategic communications network with policy and decision makers ensures that our client’s voices are heard.” Sounds like lobbying or rent seeking to me.

The Philippine ruling class that runs our society and political-economy today, of which Stratbase appears to be an epitome, is (in a real sense) fraudulent, self-seeking, parasitic, intellectually dishonest, hypocritical, and incompetent — as can be witnessed in all the raging debates about Mrs. Arroyo. Even as worse transgressions by the oligarchs and their foreign masters against our nation continue to escalate, all these are merely glossed over by such lofty campaigns against the “evils” of the past.

Good thing we still have a number of outstanding individuals who represent the interests of the vast silent majority. Paguia, for one, continues to shine a light in the legal arena; while others such as Mang Naro Lualhati, Jojo Borja, Butch Junia, Bono Adaza together with Sulo ng Pilipino, Bagong Katipuneros (Magdalos), PLM and others, continue to fight for several nationalistic causes. They certainly prove that, unlike the ruling class, not everybody is simply out for a buck.

But, while the people have yet to seize victory, things can only get worse. No, we’re not just speaking of political-economic decay but one that eats away at the spirit of man, too. With all the demoralization, im-moralization, doublespeak, obfuscation, scapegoatism, hypocrisy and idiocy around, under a supposed democracy where the economic life of the nation deteriorates while only a few monopolize it in greater and greater proportions, just how can one’s humanity be left untarnished?

As Mahatma Gandhi correctly pointed out, “Corruption and hypocrisy ought not to be inevitable products of democracy, as they undoubtedly are.”

True, some may continue to point the accusing finger — like the pot to the kettle — to hide their own corruption; but as long as there are Filipinos who won’t tolerate such hypocrisy, there’s hope that they can be brought together in a political movement that will oust the corrupt in our society in due time.

(Tune in to Sulo ng Pilipino/Radyo OpinYon, Monday to Friday, 5 to 6 p.m. on 1098AM; Talk News TV with HTL, Saturday, 8:15 to 9 p.m., with replay at 11 p.m., on GNN, Destiny Cable Channel 8; visit http://newkatipunero.blogspot.com for our articles plus TV and radio archives)

(Reprinted with permission from Mr. Herman "Ka Mentong" Tiu-Laurel)

SourceThe Daily Tribune

URL: http://www.tribuneonline.org/commentary/20111128com5.html

Farmers slam Aquino’s call for ‘just compensation’ for Hacienda Luisita land

Farmers slam Aquino’s call for ‘just compensation’ for Hacienda Luisita land

“The Cojuangcos have long benefited from their illegal and immoral stranglehold of Hacienda Luisita and the farmworkers’ have long paid for the land.”– Randall Echanis, Kilusang Magbubukid ng Pilipinas
MANILA – After the Supreme Court issued its decision on the nearly half-a-century land dispute at Hacienda Luisita, President Benigno S. Aquino III said there should be just compensation for land owners.

The high court unanimously ordered, Nov. 23, the distribution of 4,916 hectares of Hacienda Luisita land, owned by Aquino and the Cojuangco clan, to the original 4,296 original farmworker beneficiaries (FWBs).

Asked to react on the high court’s decision, Aquino said, “In agrarian reform, there are two objectives: number one, empower the farmers so that they could have their own land to till. Second, don’t exhaust the capital. There should be just compensation for the land owner. The capital that will be returned to the landowner could be used to invest in other endeavors.”

“It is the height of callousness that President Benigno Simeon Aquino III now has the gall to demand for land compensation for his extended family,” Anakpawis Rep. Rafael Mariano said.

Mariano, also chairman of the Kilusang Magbubukid ng Pilipinas (KMP), said that since 1957, the Cojuangco-Aquino clan “has made a milking cow out of Hacienda Luisita sugar estate and amassed wealth by exploiting farmers and farmworkers.”

In 1957, the Cojuangcos acquired the Hacienda Luisita land through a government loan with a condition that the land shall be distributed to the farmers after ten years. Land distribution never took place until now.

“The nerve,” KMP deputy secretary general Randall Echanis said, “They have used government money to acquire the hacienda in the late 1950’s and have made a fortune for more than half a century now. And now, they want the government to pay for the land.”

Echanis said, “the Cojuangcos do not deserve compensation. The Cojuangcos have long benefited from their illegal and immoral stranglehold of Hacienda Luisita and the farmworkers’ have long paid for the land.”

Echanis said the “Cojuangcos still owe billions of pesos to the government and to farmworkers aside from blood debts,” referring to the massacre that claimed the lives of seven farm workers on November 16, 2004.

“Hacienda Luisita must be distributed to farmworkers for free.” Echanis said.

In an earlier interview with Bulatlat.com, Rodel Mesa, spokesman of Alyansa ng Magbubukid sa Asyenda Luisita (Ambala), said, “We will not agree to pay [amortization] or for the HLI to receive compensation from the government. The compensation to be paid to the Cojuangco-Aquinos will come from taxpayers,
including us. The Cojuangco-Aquinos have no right to receive any compensation. The Aquino administration has no right to pay his family because morally, historically, the land is ours.”.... MORE


URL: http://bulatlat.com/main/2011/11/27/farmers-slam-aquino%E2%80%99s-call-for-%E2%80%98just-compensation%E2%80%99-for-hacienda-luisita-land/

Sea alert: Russian warships head for Syria

Sea alert: Russian warships head for Syria

Moscow is deploying warships at its base in the Syrian port of Tartus. The long-planned mission comes, providentially, at the very moment when it could help prevent a potential conflict in the strategically important Middle Eastern country.

­The Russian battle group will consist of three vessels led by the heavy aircraft-carrying missile cruiser, Admiral Kuznetsov.

Russian military officials insist that the move has no connection with the ongoing crisis in the region and was planned a year ago, the Izvestia newspaper reports. Apart from Syria, the aircraft carrier and its escort ships are set to visit the Lebanese capital, Beirut, Genoa in Italy and Cyprus, says the former Chief of Naval Staff, Admiral Viktor Kravchenko..... MORE


URL: http://rt.com/news/russian-aircraft-carrier-syria-363/

US govt demands Wikileaks destroy all files about them – Assange

 US govt demands Wikileaks destroy all files about them – Assange

Wikileaks founder Julian Assange has told a media summit that the US government has ordered Wikileaks to destroy all the material is has published on them and stop working with its sources in the government.

­“[When we released our documents] the Pentagon said we must destroy everything we published and were going to publish,” Assange said.  ”And if we didn’t, we would be ‘compelled to do so,’” the summit’s website says.

Assange made the allegation in the course of a speech made via Skype at the News 2011 Summit in Hong Kong. Reports say he is being forced by police to stop talking at the summit – exactly the kind of oppressive official action his work has been highlighting.  .... MORE


URL: http://rt.com/news/us-wikileaks-assange-summit-371/

Investigate Owwa for missing P21 million – Migrants group

Investigate Owwa for missing P21 million – Migrants group
Next time overseas Filipino workers complain that they are not benefitting from the Overseas Workers Welfare Administration (OWWA), they will know at least one reason why: their contributions might have been pocketed by corrupt officials.

The OFW group Migrante International has called attention to a recent report of the Commission on Audit that the OWWA’s overseas officers have failed to remit more than P21 million ($488,372) in collections to OWWA’s Land Bank- Manila dollar account during the last 10 years. This prompted the group to call for an “immediate independent investigation” of the OWWA and its personnel both here and in offices abroad.
Migrante’s chairman Garry Martinez said the audit should include investigations into the performance and financial transactions of Owwa officials including members of the Board of Trustees.

The COA said the multi-million remittance failure has put the Owwa funds at risk of misappropriation. In its 2010 report on the agency, the audit authority said the dollar and euro collections from various foreign posts amounting to P21.587 million ($488,372) has been un-remitted “for a long period of time.” These funds comprise fees collected under the Owwa’s voluntary membership program. The program funds are intended for the immediate use of OFWs and their families for emergency concerns and related needs.

According to reports from the CoA, the overseas-based officers of Owwa are required to remit their monthly collections to the Owwa Land Bank-Manila dollar account not later than the fifth day of the following month. When the audit agency went through the Owwa’s records, however, it discovered that a staggering P21.587($488,372) million had not been remitted for periods ranging from one to 10 years.

The CoA 2010 report on the Owwa said that several of the officers who had the responsibility to remit the collections remain in service: but four have absconded or are absent without leave. In the meantime, another 10 have already resigned or moved to another agency. The audit agency also discovered that collections from Switzerland from October 2007 to December 2010 were remitted by an employee of the Department of Labor and Employment..... MORE


URL: http://bulatlat.com/main/2011/11/25/investigate-owwa-for-missing-p21-million-migrants-group/

Morong 43 pushes court to act on their case against Arroyo

 Morong 43 pushes court to act on their case against Arroyo

MANILA – Health workers who sued former president Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo for human rights violations are dismayed at what they described as the slow pace of the local court handling the case.

Six of the Morong 43, or the 43 health workers arrested on February 6, 2010 and detained for ten months for trumped up charges, trooped to the Quezon City Hall of Justice this morning calling on the Regional Trial Court Branch 226 to act on the first case filed against Mrs. Arroyo and her key military officials.

Filed in April this year, the P15-million ($348 thousand) damage suit seeks five causes of action against the former president and her officials involved in the case. These include damages for torture, damages for the violation of their constitutional and statutory rights, including their right against arbitrary and illegal detention, right against self-incrimination and right to counsel, divestment of personal belongings, Arroyo’s neglect of duty, and moral damages.

Through their counsels from the National Union of Peoples’ Lawyers (NUPL), the complainants filed a second motion to resolve their petition for the writ of preliminary attachment, a supplemental motion to the civil case. A writ of preliminary attachment can be issued against the property of a defendant to serve as security for the satisfaction of any judgment that may be recovered; and that after due hearing on the principal cause of this action, judgment will be rendered against the defendant.

The lawyers were surprised to know that the court has already issued a resolution on Sept. 30 denying their petition. Ephraim Cortez, one of the lawyers, said they have not received an official copy of the court’s resolution until this day. He said the court officials said they have sent the copy through snail mail on Oct. 18. The lawyers were furnished a photocopy of the resolution but they filed the second motion to resolve the petition any way.

The local court has not yet issued summons to Arroyo and other defendants. NUPL lawyers said the court asked them additional copies of the complaint before the court could issue summons. The lawyers provided additional copies on the same day. Cortez said the summons should be served immediately.

Dr. Merry Mia-Clamor and Gary Liberal, two of the Morong 43, demand the prosecution of Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo in a rally outside the Quezon City Hall of Justice, Nov. 28. (Photo by Ronalyn V. Olea / bulatlat.com)
“Is this because of the court’s inefficiency or is this a deliberate effort to delay the case? I’m no longer surprised why cases have been dragging on for years,” Dr. Merry Mia Clamor, one of the Morong 43, said in an interview with Bulatlat.com.

In denying the petition for writ of preliminary attachment, Judge Ma. Luisa Quijano-Padilla of the RTC Branch 226 said that “mere suspicion that there is a possibility of flight by the defendants to avoid any liability is not sufficient for a writ of preliminary attachment to be issued.”

The resolution was issued before Mrs. Arroyo’s recent attempts to leave the country.
In their second motion, the lawyers of the Morong 43 argued that the recent events bolstered their clients’s claim as shown by the attempt of Mrs. Arroyo to fly out of the country, under the guise that she will seek medical treatment abroad for what is now admitted as a non-life-threatening ailment.

“Arroyo’s attempts to leave the country only show her deliberate intent to evade justice,” Roneo Clamor, secretary general of Karapatan and husband of Dr. Mia-Clamor, said. “She wants to evade the charges filed against her, including the damage suit filed by the Morong 43.”

Cortez explained that the denial of the motion for writ of preliminary attachment has no implications whatsoever to the main case, the civil suit filed against Arroyo and her top military officials. “The writ of preliminary attachment is only a provisional remedy. The merits [of the main case] are not affected,” the human rights lawyer said..... MORE


URL: http://bulatlat.com/main/2011/11/28/morong-43-pushes-court-to-act-on-their-case-against-arroyo/

Electoral sabotage in Imus C.R.O.S.S.R.O.A.D.S Jonathan De la Cruz 11/28/2011

Electoral sabotage in Imus

Jonathan De la Cruz
Compared with what happened and is being allowed to happen by Imus Regional Trial Court (RTC) Branch 22 Presiding Judge Cesar Mangrobang in the electoral protest filed by defeated candidate Emmanuel Maliksi against incumbent Mayor Homer Saquilayan, former President now Pampanga Rep. Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo’s indictment for “electoral sabotage” based on the belated and questionable testimony of then Maguindanao provincial administrator Unas that he “overheard her ordering the shut out of the opposition in the 2007 elections” is a joke. If Unas’ testimony is the only evidence that government has against GMA then this much publicized case can easily be overturned.

In the case of Imus, the evidence of electoral sabotage is so strong only a blind or blinded person cannot see. Yet, through means which can only be described as brazen and illegal, Mangrobang has ordered Saquilayan’s ouster and Maliksi’s seating to the consternation of Imus voters who gave the former an overwhelming vote of confidence in the 2010 elections. Maliksi who was then the incumbent got a vote of 39,682 while Saquilayan got 48,181 or a commanding margin of 8,499..... MORE

SourceThe Daily Tribune

URL: http://www.tribuneonline.org/commentary/20111128com4.html

Saudization in full swing; OFWs at risk of losing jobs in early 2012 11/28/2011

Saudization in full swing; OFWs at risk of losing jobs in early 2012

Thousands of Filipinos are expected to be forced out of jobs in Saudi Arabia in early 2012 if the companies they work for will not comply with the Kingdom’s new labor law of hiring more local workers than foreigners, the recruitment sector yesterday warned.

As the third phase of the Saudization programs has set in late last week, at least 100,000 to 300,000 Filipino workers remain employed in companies under the red category or those that have yet to effectively implement the scheme.

Analysts believe it will be huge setback to the Philippine economy that is mainly dependent on overseas Filipino workers’ remittances..... MORE

SourceThe Daily Tribune

URL: http://www.tribuneonline.org/headlines/20111128hed6.html

Paguia: Poll sabotage law ‘unconstitutional’ By Charlie V. Manalo 11/28/2011

Paguia: Poll sabotage law ‘unconstitutional’

By Charlie V. Manalo 11/28/2011

A constitutional expert yesterday claimed the Election Sabotage Law of 2007 or Republic Act 9369 which formed the basis of creating a Department of Justice (DoJ)-Comelec joint panel to investigate and prosecute large-scale election irregularities which implicated former President and now Pampanga Rep. Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo is unconstitutional.

In a statement, lawyer Alan Paguia, who was a counsel for former President Joseph Estrada, said the constitutional provision on the creation of the Sandi-ganbayan, which was provided for in the 1973 Constitution, was carried over to the 1987 Cons-titution.

He said the constitutional jurisdiction of the Sandiganbayan in the 1973 Constitution is specific on criminal and civil cases involving graft and corruption practices and such other offenses committed by public officers and employees in relation to their office as may be determined by law.

“The legislature has no authority to amend the constitutional jurisdiction of the Sandiganbayan. The exercise of ordinary legislative authority which resulted in the passage of the Electoral Sabotage law is not a valid mode of amending the Constitution,” Paguia said..... MORE

SourceThe Daily Tribune

URL: http://www.tribuneonline.org/headlines/20111128hed3.html

Bail for Gloria still possible, says Miriam By Angie M. Rosales 11/28/2011

Bail for Gloria still possible, says Miriam

By Angie M. Rosales 11/28/2011

Embattled former President and now Pampanga Rep. Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo can still post bail despite being charged with electoral sabotage which is a non-bailable offense, if the court finds the “evidence of guilt” by government prosecutors is weak, Sen. Miriam Defensor-Santiago yesterday said.

“It’s the job of the prosecutor to prove that the evidence of guilt is strong which means that if the evidence of guilt is weak, you can still post bail. All talks are still premature. They are all overlooking the fact that she may post bail, if she is able to post bail, then she’s free. You can go anywhere,” she told dzBB radio during an interview.

“Even if the offense falls under a non-bailable case, it’s in the law that if the evidence against the accused is weak (he or she can post bail). The judge is not bound by the evidence alone during the bail hearing. The judge, at the outset, can say that the evidence alone is not strong so I can grant you bail,” Santiago added.

Before actual trial pro-ceedings take place, there will first be a bail hearing where the evidence against Arroyo will be weighed and determined if it can stand in court..... MORE

SourceThe Daily Tribune

URL: http://www.tribuneonline.org/headlines/20111128hed4.html

Angara proposes major agricultural reforms 11/28/2011

Angara proposes major agricultural reforms

Sen. Edgardo Angara proposed major agricultural reforms to keep pace with the country’s rising demand for food due to a burgeoning population — post-harvest network, better logistics, access to credit for small farmers, protection of our export market and improved research development (R&D).

“In three years, our population will reach 100 million and we have to find ways to feed all of them. One major agricultural reform the government should undertake is the installation of post-harvest facilities all over the country as we are losing enough agricultural products that could have made up for our importations,” the former Agriculture secretary said.

Angara said that post-harvest network will reduce the country’s losses in palay by as much as one million tons, or the equivalent of our yearly rice import which costs the government $500 million.

Angara also underscored the need to develop a sound transport and logistics infrastructure in order to facilitate easy transport of agricultural products from the provinces to Manila. “The lobsters in Aurora ar.... MORE
SourceThe Daily Tribune

URL: http://www.tribuneonline.org/nation/20111128nat5.html

53.3 percent of Filipinos travel for pleasure, says NSO 11/28/2011

53.3 percent of Filipinos travel for pleasure, says NSO

More than half of Filipinos travel for pleasure or vacation last year, according to the National Statistics Office (NSO).

In its 2010 Household Survey on Domestic Visitors (HSDV), the NSO said about 23.1 million Filipinos, who are 15 years old and above, have traveled in any place within the country from April to September last year.
These domestic travelers represent 36.6 percent of the about 63.2 million Filipinos who are more than 15 years old.

The NSO said pleasure or vacation was the main purpose of a trip for 53.3 percent, followed by visit to friends or relatives and attendance to family gatherings, 36.9 percent..... MORE

SourceThe Daily Tribune

URL: http://www.tribuneonline.org/nation/20111128nat7.html

President title can be conferred to FPJ — Comelec By Pat C. Santos 11/28/2011

President title can be conferred to FPJ — Comelec

By Pat C. Santos 11/28/2011

If it can be proven that movie actor Fernando Poe Jr. is the real winner of the 2004 presidential election, the Commission on Election (Comelec) will make a clarification and may confer the president title to him.

This was the assurance made yesterday by James Jimenez, Comelec spokesman, during yesterday’s forum “Balitaan sa Tinapayan” in Dapitan, Manila.

Jimenez made a call to anyone who knew the massive cheating on 2004 election to come out in the open and testify..... MORE

SourceThe Daily Tribune
URL: http://www.tribuneonline.org/nation/20111128nat4.html

SC stops implementation of Paraaques newly approved ordinance on land, bldg. tax 11/28/2011

SC stops implementation of Paraaques newly approved ordinance on land, bldg. tax

The Supreme Court (SC) has handed down a restraining order stopping the implementation of Paranaque Citys newly approved ordinance on the values of land and building in the city.

In a two-page notice, the Courts Third Division granted the plea of the citys homeowners association to stop the implementation of Paraaque City Ordinance No. 11-11.

The local legislation would result in an excessive increase in land tax.

Acting on the application for issuance of a temporary restraining order, the Court further resolves to issue a temporary restraining order enjoining the implementation of said Ordinance No. 11-11, Series of 2011, dated Oct. 13, 2011 of the Sangguniang Panlungsod, City of Paraaque, effective immediately and continuing until further orders from the Court, the SC said..... MORE

SourceThe Daily Tribune

URL: http://www.tribuneonline.org/metro/20111128met5.html

Water firms dared to have their books of accounts audited By Charl

Water firms dared to have their books of accounts audited

By Charlie V. Manalo 11/28/2011

A party-list solon yesterday dared two Metro Manila water concessionaires to emulate the example of the country’s leading oil firms that recently volunteered to have their books of accounts audited to show publicly that their profits are well within the limits of decency and fairness in trade.

Bagong Henerasyon Rep. Bernadette Herrera-Dy aired this challenge to the Manila Water Co. Inc. (MWCI) and the Maynilad Water Services Inc. (MWSI) which she accused of imposing excessive water rates through the help of the state-run Metropolitan Waterworks and Sewerage System (MWSS).

“If the oil companies can do it, I don’t see any reason why the two MWSS water concessionaires can’t. It’s just a matter of showing that they have nothing to hide and that their dealings are fair and their businesses conducted within the bounds of reason and decency,” Herrera-Dy said..... MORE

SourceThe Daily Tribune

URL: http://www.tribuneonline.org/metro/20111128met1.html

Hacienda Luisita farmers rejoice but still vigilant over SC decision

Sunday, November 27, 2011

 Hacienda Luisita farmers rejoice but still vigilant over SC decision

“Now that the SC has decided in favor of Luisita farmers and farm workers, the burden of implementation is with the President’s family the Cojuangco-Aquinos and the Department of Agrarian Reform.” – Anakpawis Rep. Rafael Mariano
MANILA – Felix Nacpil Jr., 39, along with some 40 farm workers, left Hacienda Luisita early morning to get a copy of the Supreme Court (SC) decision, Nov. 24.

On board two jeepneys, they arrived at the SC at around 9 a.m.They waited until noon to get hold of a 56-page resolution penned by Associate Justice Presbitero Velasco on the motion for reconsideration filed by their group Alyansa ng Magbubukid sa Hacienda Luisita (Ambala).

Voting 14-0, the high court granted their petition and unanimously ordered the distribution of 4,916 hectares of Hacienda Luisita lands to the original 4,296 original farmworker beneficiaries (FWBs). It modified its July 5, 2011 ruling ordering the Department of Agrarian Reform (DAR) to hold a referendum to let the Luisita farmers choose between owning shares of stocks in Hacienda Luisita Inc. or getting portions of the more than 6,000-hectare estate..... MORE


URL: http://bulatlat.com/main/2011/11/25/hacienda-luisita-farmers-rejoice-but-vigilant-over-sc-decision/

Moral and honest? FRONTLINE Ninez Cacho-Olivares 11/27/2011

Moral and honest?

Ninez Cacho-Olivares
For one who claims to have divested all his shares in Hacienda Luisita, Noynoy certainly continues to look after the interests of the Cojuangco-Aquinos, with his latest spiel stating that the landlords, all of whom belong to his clan, must be justly compensated.

The claim today of course is that Noynoy really has no personal interest in the hacienda, having divested all his shares as the law states.

But this divestment of Hacienda Luisita shares claim is truly opaque, from the time of the Cory Aquino presidency to today, under the son’s presidency.

It was claimed, in 1987, when the Cory Constitution was in place and with a new Congress elected, that Cory had already divested her hacienda shares..... MORE

SourceThe Daily Tribune

URL: http://www.tribuneonline.org/commentary/20111127com2.html

Outsourcing stems Philippines labor exodus focus 11/27/2011

Outsourcing stems Philippines labor exodus


MANILA — Malaysia-based computer whiz Arlene Teodoro packed his bags and flew home to the Philippines this year, going against the tide in an impoverished country that sends millions of workers abroad.

Forced to leave his family and friends in 2008 in search of a decent job overseas, the 35-year-old bachelor says he is back for good because his skills are suddenly in big demand amid a business process outsourcing boom.

“Nothing compares to being back in the Philippines,” said Teodoro, part of a 30-strong computer science class at a Manila university in the early 1990s, most of whose members also went overseas to find work.

“When I was working abroad I’d use up all my vacation leaves to attend family events and reconnect with my family.”.... MORE

SourceThe Daily Tribune

URL: http://www.tribuneonline.org/commentary/20111127com3.html

Hungry Americans Occupy Turkey Giveaway (w/ Video)

Hungry Americans Occupy Turkey Giveaway

 Many Americans enjoyed a hearty Thanksgiving meal, but unfortunately many others are going hungry this holiday season. Nowhere in the US is the problem worse than in Los Angeles, where 10 thousand people camped out this week for a free turkey dinner.

­It is difficult for Lisa Jones to plan beyond tomorrow.

“Lost my house, lost my business. Now I’m just kinda surviving,”  said Jones as she waited in line for a free turkey in South Los Angeles.

She struggles to make it through the day. The mother of three is worried about her oldest son, who is fighting the war in Afghanistan. She is also among the millions of Americans who go hungry every day..... MORE


URL: http://rt.com/usa/news/hungry-turkey-jones-people-259/

US AMD dilemma: Big dollar or world peace?

US AMD dilemma: Big dollar or world peace?

Russia’s President Medvedev sent a sharp warning this week to Western powers over the planned NATO missile shield in Europe. He said if the plans go ahead without guarantees of Russia's safety, Moscow would deploy missiles of its own.

­Years of negotiations over the proposed shield, which America wants to place in Turkey and in former Warsaw Pact countries on Russia’s western border, have been deadlocked over the US refusal to agree to Russian participation in the project.

America says the anti-missile shield is aimed at protecting Europe from so-called rogue states like North Korea and Iran, but Russia sees it as a threat to its own national security..... MORE


URL: http://rt.com/news/us-missile-russia-dilemma-301/

Solon declares war on MWSS, Manila Water and Maynilad BLURBAL THRUSTS Louie Logarta 11/27/2011

Solon declares war on MWSS, Manila Water and Maynilad

Louie Logarta
It would seem that whenever the Metropolitan Waterworks and Sewerage System (MWSS) happens to be featured in the newspapers, somehow it is for the wrong reasons.

Just the other week, a pro-administration lawmaker wrote to the Commission on Audit (CoA) to get them to look into the books of the agency as well as its two private concessionaires in Metro Manila — meaning the Lopez-owned Maynilad Water Services and the Manila Water Co. which is controlled by the Ayalas — claiming there were serious abuses and irregularities in the way they were operating which were disadvantageous both to the government and their millions of consumers.

In her letter to the CoA, Rep. Bernadette Herrera-Dy of the Bagong Henerasyon party-list group indicated she had received information that both Maynilad and Manila Water were manipulating their respective concession contracts which resulted in excessive and onerous rates being charged to consumers as well as illegal, extravagant and unconscionable public expenditure and use of government property that were clearly unbeneficial to the interests of the state..... MORE

SourceThe Daily Tribune

URL: http://www.tribuneonline.org/commentary/20111127com4.html

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