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Still, the Arroyos NO HOLDS BARRED Armida Siguion-Reyna 10/04/2011

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Still, the Arroyos

Armida Siguion-Reyna
To those who say that this presidency is worse than the previous, I will have to disagree. You counter the new one is no longer all that new, he’s been in Malacañang for over a year, and what has he done, so far? I rebut, with “Way nothing ghastlier than Arroyo’s first year.” You shoot back, “Can’t we move on?” I ask, “How, if we continue to be derailed by what they’ve done and are still doing?”

With all due respect to the anti-Aquinos, hitting PNoy the way he’s now being hit is beginning to make Glora Macapagal Arroyo look like an angel. The non-activist young are starting to feel that if there’s no difference between a crook and non-crook, why bother to differentiate in an elections, why bother to gather evidence for plunder against the crook, especially as those who hate PNoy are anyway now saying they’re hearing stories about him finagling? Odd, that for GMA, there is demand for proof of larceny, but for PNoy, chismis suffices.

If by indiscriminately destroying Benigno Aguino III it appears that Gloria Arroyo doesn’t deserve vilification, then it’s suddenly arguable she’s not all what we anti-Arroyo activists said she was from the time she occupied the highest office of the land in 2001, to 2010. Then it’s suddenly possible she really didn’t have a hand in the overthrow of Estrada, and that she only accidentally got to be president, for, heck, the vice-president in such a situation can only take over..... MORE

SourceThe Daily Tribune

URL: http://www.tribuneonline.org/commentary/20111004com4.html


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