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Come clean on P5-M donation, Noynoy told By Charlie V. Manalo 10/30/2011

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Come clean on P5-M donation, Noynoy told

By Charlie V. Manalo 10/30/2011

The Palace needed to come clean on the P5 million in supposed donation to the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) President Aquino has said belatedly was financing for the MILF’s Bangsamoro Leadership and Management Institute (BLMI) that supposedly conducts leadership and management training of the rebels group, House Minority Leader Albay Rep. Edcel Lagman said yesterday.

Despite Aquino’s claim on the donation, he, nevertheless, admitted being clueless the other day about the foundation and its officials.

In a statement, Lagman said there is a compelling reason for Malacañang to clarify once and for all the “gray areas” in the P5-million donation Aquino made to the MILF “lest he be accused of treason.”

“There is need for Malacañang to clarify and explain the gray and nebulous areas shrouding the P5 million financial assistance to the MILF which the President approved and ordered remitted to the MILF,” Lagman said..... MORE

SourceThe Daily Tribune

URL: http://www.tribuneonline.org/headlines/20111030hed2.html


Jesusa Bernardo said...

hmmm. as if naman yung amo mong si arrobo hindi nagtulak ng substate a.k.a. moa-ad.

"He asked under what parameters and conditions-precedent is the Republic of the Philippines obligated to remit financial assistance or is the donation already due and for how much?

"Where and when was the amount delivered to the MILF or was the remittance made during the Tokyo secret meeting between Aquino and MILF chieftain Al Haj Murad or in Malaysia during the resumption of the peace talks?, Lagman further asked."

Anonymous said...

Only 1M went to the moklo. That... does not shock me. Won't shock the moklo either thats why they are itching for a vest bomb.. in a mall.. in Makati. If that happens its 5M for his head alone. Its called stability of the system. Return to normal fighting while siphoning the peoples money into their offshore numbered accounts. Moklo happy, the mole on Deles face grows bigger like her previous boss did, the home of DND Sec Gazmin at Dasmariñas village is lively, DILG is happy all except you... the ordinary taxpayer. The christians in action station chief at the embassy will reluctantly refund that..its Langly's stupid idea.. make them pay... more. As to how much cut the chief wants..remember he is an american... make it 20M next time. Also, a military campaign is expensive, bombs, fuel, bullets, rations, condoms, anti-biotics, morphines, smut magazines, cigarettes, even recreational drugs, good business for a few american defense suppliers. The smell of blood mixes with whats under the moklo's feet stinks..of mineral resources, americans want it and what they want..they take. Wadtu na.

GMA to Noynoy. Same sh8t, different a-holes.

Allah uh ahkbar... mofos.

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