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Joy and pain as transgender Indians ‘wed’ Hindu god FEATURE 05/05/2011

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Joy and pain as transgender Indians ‘wed’ Hindu god


KOOVAGAM — Jyoti, a 62-year-old transgender Indian who was born a man, saves up money every year to buy a beautiful new wedding dress for a festival at which she gets married to a Hindu god.

This year, she played her role as a “bride” wearing a blue silk brocade sari that cost 15,000 rupees ($338) — nearly two months’ earnings.

The “groom” at the annual festival in Koovagam, Tamil Nadu, was Aravan, a Hindu god celebrated as a young warrior who was killed in the ancient epic, the Mahabharata.

Heavily made-up and dripping with gold jewellery, hundreds of transgender brides excitedly discussed their wedding plans as they queued to marry Aravan in his temple..... MORE

SourceThe Daily Tribune

URL: http://www.tribuneonline.org/commentary/20110505com8.html


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