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Interesting times EDITORIAL 04/16/2011

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Interesting times

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Interesting times are ahead for the nation, if the opposition pushes though with its plan to now take the offensive against the Noynoy administration and go into congressional investigations on allegations of corruption, as well as inefficiency, two of the focus points of Noynoy Aquino in going after his political foes, whom he refers to as his enemies and with whom he says he is at war.

With the political opposition being in the minority, it is pretty certain that any House committee that takes on the probe — and there has to be a probe based on the resolutions, since such is called for by the House rules — will be peppered with the majority members who will then try to kill whatever is to be exposed, since this time around, the allegations, or the exposés will delve directly on the Aquino administration..... MORE

SourceThe Daily Tribune

URL: http://www.tribuneonline.org/commentary/20110416com1.html


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