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Bad news VIEWPOINTS Archbishop Oscar V. Cruz 01/09/2011

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Bad news

Archbishop Oscar V. Cruz
It all started during the infamous Luneta hostage debacle. It was then expressly revealed by no less than Malacañang itself that the DILG has been in fact effectively divided into two separate agencies. The Local Government Section is headed merely by an “acting secretary” with acknowledged administrative skills in governance. But the PNP is placed under the direction of a permanent undersecretary whose principal credential is friendship of long standing with the Chief Executive. Incidentally, the said acting secretary is known as an anti-jueteng crusader. On the other hand, true or not, the undersecretary is a suspect in the working and benefactions of jueteng in the country.

Recently, it was officially announced by Malacañang that the Cabinet was due for a shake-up at the beginning of this year. Translation: Some four or so members thereof are on their way out. And the same number of fortunate and well-chosen individuals are on their way in. Their names have been mentioned now and then, here and there. Being an office of interest and influence by reason of its authority and scope, the loaded question asked these days is one and the same: Whom will Malacañang appoint as permanent DILG secretary?.... MORE

SourceThe Daily Tribune

URL: http://www.tribuneonline.org/commentary/20110109com5.html


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