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Satisfied with what? EDITORIAL 10/07/2010

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Satisfied with what?

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Every new Philippine president gets a high satisfaction rating in surveys. At times, even those who cheated their way to the presidency, also get a high survey rating. But quite frankly, these “satisfaction” and “performance” ratings on presidential performances, or for that matter, on vice presidential performances, rarely mean anything worthwhile, save for bragging rights for the Malacañang occupant — which will normally swear by the surveys when the results favor the president, but question the results when, as time progresses, the ratings spiral downwards for the Malacañang tenant.

Already, the Palace mouthpieces have started to put a spin on the high ratings of Noynoy, with presidential spokesman Edwin Lacierda being quoted by BusinessWorld as saying that “The President’s social contract with the Filipino people is being implemented in ways our fellow citizens see and feel in their daily lives. This rating is a reminder for the whole team to stay focused on reforms needed to make opportunities for fighting corruption and lowering poverty as reality.”.... MORE

SourceThe Daily Tribune

URL: http://www.tribuneonline.org/commentary/20101007com1.html

Whitewash up FRONTLINE Ninez Cacho-Olivares 10/07/2010

Whitewash up

Ninez Cacho-Olivares
Delaying the Malacañang reviewed Incident Investigation and Review Committee (IIRC) report further, with a Palace plea for more time to further review it, as well as the panel’s recommendations, can only mean one thing: A lot of alterations are being done with justifications being made by Noynoy Aquino and his Palace boys to merely provide a slap on the wrist of those personalities who have been implicated in the IIRC fact-finding report.
Noynoy’s explanation for the delay in the release of the full IIRC report was that this was submitted to him before he left for the United States (not quite accurate, since he had at least four days to read it) and that he was only able to read some 45 pages of the IIRC, after which, he claimed that the IIRC came up with corrections, so that he had to read the full report upon his return.

But before he left for the US, he said he had ordered his legal team to review the IIRC report, which he said he had already read. And when did the IIRC make the corrections? This was never bared by the IIRC panel. What the panel stated that it would be submitting addendums, which would consist of the forensic report of the police crime lab as well as the surviving hostages’ affidavits.

It is getting pretty evident that the overly long delay in baring the reviewed report is being done justify the sparing of many of his allies named in the IIRC report..... MORE

SourceThe Daily Tribune

URL: http://www.tribuneonline.org/commentary/20101007com2.html

French take to the barricades over Internet piracy law FEATURE 10/07/2010

French take to the barricades over Internet piracy law


PARIS — French Internet users are taking a centuries-old tradition into the cyber age and erecting barricades against a new law aimed at clamping down on film and music piracy through illegal file sharing.

The law — known as Hadopi — is being touted as an example for other countries and the best way to protect artists’ income but critics see the threat of having their Internet connection cut as a human rights infraction.

The conflict has been brewing since President Nicolas Sarkozy’s government in 2009 set up the High Authority for Dissemination of Works and Protection of Rights on the Internet (Hadopi) to fight piracy and promote legal online sales.

Hadopi’s procedure is this: they ask Internet service providers (ISPs) to hand over IP addresses — a string of numbers that constitutes a fingerprint unique to a computer on a particular network — being used for file sharing..... MORE

SourceThe Daily Tribune

URL: http://www.tribuneonline.org/commentary/20101007com3.html

Business names for sale in the Department of Trade BLURBAL THRUSTS Louie Logarta 10/07/2010

Business names for sale in the Department of Trade

Louie Logarta
Democratic Independent Workers Association (DIWA) party-list Rep. Amy Legaspi has a gem of a bill in the pipeline that would conceivably alleviate the financial woes plaguing millions of workers all over the country, a great majority of whom have to cope with hand-to-mouth existence on a daily basis, who are continually being exploited by big business.

Entitled “The Security of Tenure Act of 2010,” Legaspi’s proposed bill, should it be passed by Congress, is going to prohibit the pernicious practice being resorted to by several large corporations in hiring rank-and-file level “contractual employees” in order to circumvent existing labor laws so that they could maintain their impressive profits.

Explaining the need for it to be passed into law, Legaspi said that many of the nation’s large business firms, who can be found in the Top 100 list compiled by the respected Forbes Asia magazine, have for the longest time been subverting workers’ rights to full employment opportunities as provided in the Constitution and the Labor Code through the accepted practice commonly referred to as “contractualization.”.... MORE

SourceThe Daily Tribune

URL: http://www.tribuneonline.org/commentary/20101007com4.html

Santiago’s privilege speech: DILG + PNP = Jueteng VIEWPOINTS Archbishop Oscar V. Cruz 10/07/2010

Santiago’s privilege speech: DILG + PNP = Jueteng

Archbishop Oscar V. Cruz
Thus goes the title of the speech made by the lady senator which stands in command of the following attributes: One, it was delivered with someone not only known for her personal courage but also in command of a sharp legal mind. Two, it is premised on the concrete information gathered from the many sources and much resources of her long standing office. Three, it must be wherefore attentively read and seriously understood for its proper reference and practical observance.

Among the distinct and signal data provided and forwarded by the said speech about jueteng, are the following — with immense social significance and ethical implications to both the present and the future situation of this country, more specifically in conjunction with the much trumpeted “Matuwid na Landas” — or something of the like — with manifest relevance to the gross graft and consuming corruption from the local to the national levels of governance:.... MORE

SourceThe Daily Tribune

URL: http://www.tribuneonline.org/commentary/20101007com5.html

Thousands in Russia make pilgrimage to relic of saint’s hand FEATURE 10/07/2010

Thousands in Russia make pilgrimage to relic of saint’s hand


MOSCOW — Pilgrims stood patiently in line to kiss the silver-clasped fingers of Saint Spyridon, and to pray for the fourth-century saint to lend a divine hand in their family and money worries.

A queue outside Moscow’s Danilovsky monastery stretched back several kilometres this week as thousands waited to see the relic of the Greek saint’s right hand, which is briefly on loan to the Russian Orthodox Church.

But Russian believers said it was well worth the wait.

“Something happens to your soul that can’t be put in words. It’s some kind of warmth inside,” Tatyana Makhmutova, a 40-year-old civil servant, told AFP, with tears in her eyes.

“His spirit is present here. It is as if he comes closer to us with his right hand. He blesses us,” pensioner Inna Svezhentseva, 72, told AFP..... MORE

SourceThe Daily Tribune

URL: http://www.tribuneonline.org/commentary/20101007com6.html

Bullies in cassocks COMMENT By Ronald Roy 10/07/2010

Bullies in cassocks


By Ronald Roy 10/07/2010
A Schism is, one: A split or division between strongly opposed sections or parties, caused by differences in opinion or belief; the formal separation of a Church into two Churches — as in the case of the Great Schism between the Eastern and Western Churches (1054-1472); or three, a secession of a group of the laity owing to doctrinal and other differences with their Church. In light of the brewing contraceptives controversy between the Catholic Bishops Conference of the Philippines (CBCP) and non-ecclesiastics, it is suggested that focus be laid on definition three.

Ecclesiastics and laymen are currently embroiled in the throes of a schism. Many among the faithful are prepared to bolt the Catholic Church in protest to the bullying tactics of the CBCP, with many minor Christian Churches, sects and born-again ministries awaiting recruits to beef up their ranks. It can only be hoped that the only Catholic Asian country will not follow the path of the Great Schism or Martin Luther, the German theologian who was excommunicated in 1521 for attacking papal authority and simony (the sale of indulgences)..... MORE

SourceThe Daily Tribune

URL: http://www.tribuneonline.org/commentary/20101007com7.html

Whitewash seen in Noy’s delay in baring hostage report By Aytch S. de la Cruz 10/07/2010

Whitewash seen in Noy’s delay in baring hostage report

By Aytch S. de la Cruz 10/07/2010

For the umpteenth time, President Aquino delayed making public the charges against those indicted by the Incident Investigation and Review Committee’s (IIRC) report, and the actions he will be taking against them, saying that he still needs to review his counsels’ reviewed report, which was supposed to have been reviewed by his communications group to cut the “legalese.”

With the long delay in baring these two reports to the public, strong suspicion of Malacañang sanitizing the charges as well as a widescale Palace whitewash rose, as Department of Interior and Local Government Undersecretary Rico Puno, whom Aquino described as being the “most trustworthy” with qualities that are hard to find in others, told Senate reporters in a chance interview yesterday that he is no longer going to resign his post or submit a courtesy resignation since Aquino told him to continue with his job at the DILG.
“I was about to resign but the President told me to continue on,” Puno told reporters after attending a Senate hearing on the jueteng controversy.

Aquino the other day promised that by yesterday, he would make public the withheld portions of the IIRC report simultaneously with the review of the report conducted by Executive Secretary Paquito Ochoa Jr.
and Chief Presidential Legal Counsel Eduardo de Mesa, saying he will be devoting more of his time in writing his own report to the nation on his achievements accomplished during his 100 first days..... MORE

SourceThe Daily Tribune

URL: http://www.tribuneonline.org/headlines/20101007hed1.html

GMA files counter plea on airport plunder raps By Benjamin B. Pulta

GMA files counter plea on airport plunder raps

By Benjamin B. Pulta 10/07/2010

It’s now her turn.
Former President Arroyo appeared before government prosecutors yesterday and filed a counter affidavit to a plunder complaint against her for the sale of the old Iloilo airport three years ago to a private corporation.
Arroyo left her lawyer, former solicitor general Estelito Mendoza, who was also one of the lawyers of former President Joseph Estrada during the plunder trial at the Sandiganbayan court, to talk to the press after filing under oath, her sworn statement before prosecutors.

The counter affidavit answered a complaint filed by whistleblower Danilo Lihay-lihay who accused Arroyo of violating Republic Act (RA) 7080 or the Anti Plunder Law and also claimed the former chief executive failed to pay the appropriate taxes for the transaction.

The counter affidavit was filed in compliance to a subpoena issued on Sept. 2, 2010 by Senior Assistant State Prosecutor Peter Ong, Assistant State Prosecutors George Yarte Jr. and Cresencio delos Trinos who are handling the case..... MORE

SourceThe Daily Tribune

URL: http://www.tribuneonline.org/headlines/20101007hed2.html

Puno admits Pineda sought to meet him By Angie M. Rosales 10/07/2010

Puno admits Pineda sought to meet him

By Angie M. Rosales 10/07/2010

Embattled Interior and Local Government Undersecretary Rico Puno admitted yesterday in a Senate probe that alleged big-time gambling lord Rodolfo “Bong” Pineda tried to seek an appointment with him through an emissary but remained ambiguous on the identity of the supposed go-between.

Puno had been accused by retired Archbishop Oscar Cruz as allegedly being on the take of jueteng payola along with former Philippine National Police (PNP) Dir. Gen. (ret.) Jesus Verzosa.

Senate probers found it strange that Puno could not name the purported emissary.

In testifying in the resumption of the Senate hearing on the juetengate controversy, Puno reiterated he could no longer remember who among his friends and relatives paid him a visit in his office and broached the possibility of holding a meeting with alleged jueteng operators.

“In the last hearing, you said you could not remember who your friends or relatives visited you to talk about jueteng. Now that you have the written logbook in front of you, maybe your memory will be refreshed,” Blue ribbon committee chairman and overall lead in the jueteng probe, Sen. TG Guingona said..... MORE

SourceThe Daily Tribune

URL: http://www.tribuneonline.org/headlines/20101007hed3.html

Reintegration for ‘mutineers’ to cause demoralization, warn AFP brass By Mario J. Mallari and Angie M. Rosales 10/07/2010

Reintegration for ‘mutineers’ to cause demoralization, warn AFP brass

By Mario J. Mallari and Angie M. Rosales 10/07/2010

The possible reintegration of mutinous officers and soldiers, if granted amnesty by the Commander-in-Chief, PresidentAquino, back to the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) may cause demora-lization among the military ranks.

This was according to Department of National Defense (DND) spokesman Eduardo Batac, who clarified the position of Defense Secretary Voltaire Gazmin regarding the proposal in the Senate to grant amnesty to officers of the AFP who plotted against the Arroyo administration.

“As far as the AFP is concerned, they (mutinous soldiers) violated regulations of the AFP so while they can be granted the presidential amnesty, it would cause demorali-zation on the part of the AFP. So the concern there is the organization itself,” Batac noted.

He, however, stressed that Gazmin fully respects the presidential prerogative to grant amnesty to AFP officers..... MORE

SourceThe Daily Tribune

URL: http://www.tribuneonline.org/headlines/20101007hed4.html

De Lima sends confidential report on ‘Morong 43’ to Palace Benjamin B. Pulta 10/07/2010

De Lima sends confidential report on ‘Morong 43’ to Palace

Benjamin B. Pulta 10/07/2010

Justice Secretary Leila de Lima has submitted her report on the so-called Morong 43 detainees to the President and will leave it to him to disclose the content of her review.

“I have my recommendations already, but it’s a confidential memorandum to the President, so I cannot preempt any action on the part of the President by announcing my recommendation,” she said when sought for comment by reproters on the fate of 43 detainees arrested by the military on suspicion of undertaking terrorist activities.

Aquino ordered a review of the case of the so-called Morong 43 following the calls made by some human rights groups and even the international community, including the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC).

De Lima had been tasked by Malacañang to conduct a review of the ruling of state prosecutors of the Department of Justice (DoJ) finding probable cause for illegal possession of firearms and explosive against the militants, who were arrested by law enforcers on Feb. 6 in a farmhouse in Morong, Rizal..... MORE

SourceThe Daily Tribune

URL: http://www.tribuneonline.org/nation/20101007nat4.html

Palace: pleased with Noy’s high marks; Opposition: Mere post poll euphoria 10/07/2010

Palace: pleased with Noy’s high marks; Opposition: Mere post poll euphoria

Malacañang was pleased with the +60 satisfaction survey rating the Social Weather Stations gave President Aquino.

In its survey of 1,200 adults nationwide from Sept. 24-27, the SWS said Aquino received “very good” ratings in all geographical areas, with a net score of +60 (71 satisfied, 11 dissatisfied) in Metro Manila, +65 in the Balance of Luzon (73 satisfied, 8 dissatisfied), +54 in the Visayas (68 satisfied, 14 dissatisfied) and +52 in Mindanao (67 satisfied, 15 dissatisfied).

It is not the highest initial rating for a Philippine president, however, based on SWS data beginning 1986. While better than the +53 received by his late mother, Corazon Aquino, in May 1986 and well above the +24 notched by his predecessor, Gloria Arroyo, in March 2001, Aquino’s starting score just matches that of Joseph Estrada (+60, Sept. 1998) and is topped by Fidel V. Ramos’ +66 (September 1992), Business World, which has first printing rights, said.

An earlier poll placed his net trust rating at +83.

The political opposition in the House said the +60 rating obtained by Aquino in his first 100 days stemmed from post-election euphoria..... MORE

SourceThe Daily Tribune

URL: http://www.tribuneonline.org/headlines/20101007hed5.html

Twelve Pinoys nabbed for joining Mass in Saudi 10/07/2010

Twelve Pinoys nabbed for joining Mass in Saudi

Saudi police raided a secret Catholic Mass in Riyadh last week and arrested a dozen Filipinos and a Catholic priest on charges of “congregating in a religious activity” outside of the Islam faith, the Philippine Embassy in Riyadh reported.

The raid took place as some 150 Filipinos were attending the Mass in a Riyadh rest house last Friday, the second day of the weekend in Saudi Arabia, a report to the Department of Foreign Affairs said.

The 12 Filipino men and the French priest were “charged with proselytizing,”

Ezzedin Tago, chargé d’affaires at the Philippine Embassy in Riyadh, said.

The worshippers were taken to the Rawdah Police Station for questioning, Tago added.

Tago said two diplomats had been sent to to assist the detained Filipinos.

The two embassy officials explained to them that the issuance of a kafala might mean only a temporary liberty for them..... MORE

SourceThe Daily Tribune

URL: http://www.tribuneonline.org/headlines/20101007hed6.html

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