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What is truth? EDITORIAL 10/19/2010

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

What is truth?

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Despite the high court not having taken any action as yet on the constitutionality of the Aquino-created Truth Commission, the body went ahead to announce, in a press conference, that it was ready to accept confidential, anonymous and other graft complaints against Gloria Arroyo and her administration, as well as complaints on the C-5 controversy involving the properties of Sen. Manuel Villar.

The reason the body had constituted itself, so claimed its head, is that its life span is only a year, which is not quite accurate, since the same executive order (EO) creating it also says it could be extended if there is a need for it.

But trust Hilario Davide, the disgraced former Chief Justice, to go against rules and the Constitution, as well as deny the same institution he once headed, judicial courtesy.

Interestingly, all too suddenly, the C-5 issue was introduced by the truth body. It was pretty clear that this has been included by Davide to counter an argument from the parties questioning Noynoy Aquino’s EO in focusing charges solely on the previous administration..... MORE

SourceThe Daily Tribune

URL: http://www.tribuneonline.org/commentary/20101019com1.html


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