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The Daily Tribune

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Breaking bread with demons By Ronald Roy COMMENT 06/03/2010

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Breaking bread with demons

By Ronald Roy


Here are some salient features of my interaction with readers. I am pleased that my last article entitled “Torch at the center” stirred interest at a level beyond my expectations. As of this writing, queries continue to pour in — a situation that hopefully leads to greater enlightenment on how we can participate in the presumptive President-elect’s monumental task of one: washing off the putrid mess left by the outgoing regime, and two: installing an honest and competent administration responsive to the people’s need for a better life. But first, the political spectrum.

The word spectrum has no less than three scientific definitions. For our purposes, let’s just say our political spectrum is a monochromatic range of five rainbow colors laid out from left to right, to wit: red, orange, yellow, green and blue. By the way, it is coincidental that the foregoing shades I’ve chosen were the identification hues used by the major political parties engaged in the just concluded May 10 elections. 

The yellow center represents the three branches of government headed by the president and surrounded by elements supporting the chief executive. Thus, the greater the number of supporters for the incoming administration of Noynoy Aquino, the greater his popularity, and vice versa. This explains why Gloria Arroyo and her minions are now practically alone at the center, her popularity having inexorably waned throughout her 10-year stay in the presidency.

Indeed, by now GMA’s administration has been forsaken by substantial numbers of her allies and followers who have fled the center for its left and right flanks. This is what happens to a leader — let alone one who has unconstitutionally grabbed the centrist power — who is perceived to have abused that power with impunity, and with an appetite so ravenous that appeasement of a national outrage would seem impossible.

The oranges are mostly the have-nots of society, or the less fortunate, led by critical left-of-center literati with whom the leader should keep open avenues of dialog for redressing their grievances. At the spectrum’s extreme left are the reds composed of Maoist rebels who are primed to overthrow the government, and the Muslim secessionists from Mindanao who are hell-bent determined to dismember the Republic so they can establish their own. On the other side are the right-of-center greens representing the halves, or the affluent, whom the leader must likewise support so they can more aggressively develop and expand the economy, producing and manufacturing affordable economic goods and, beyond that, blazing the hi-tech trail to keep pace with the rest of the world.... MORE  

SourceThe Daily Tribune

URL: http://www.tribuneonline.org/commentary/20100603com6.html


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