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Sandiganbayan issues arrest warrant against Neri; ex-Neda chief posts bail By Charlie V. Manalo 06/22/2010

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Sandiganbayan issues arrest warrant against Neri; ex-Neda chief posts bail

By Charlie V. Manalo

The anti-graft court Sandiganbayan yesterday issued a warrant of arrest against former National Economic Development Authority (Neda) director general and now Social Security System (SSS) president Romulo Neri in connection with the botched $329-million NBN-ZTE contract.

In an order issued by Sandiganbayan Associate Justice Roland Jurado, chairman of the 5th Division, Neri was ordered arrested in view of the graft charges lodged by the Office of the Ombudsman against him.
Neri, however, also yesterday immediately went to the anti-graft court to post a P30,000 bail for his temporary liberty.

In an interview with lawyer Teresita Pabulayan, Clerk of Court of the Sandiganbayan 5th Division, she confirmed that Neri went personally to court to post bail.

The Sandiganbayan official added Neri underwent the procedural fingerprinting for the processing of the payment of his bail.

Aside from the arrest warrant, a hold departure order (HDO) is expected to be issued by teh Sandiganbayan 5th Division against Neri.

According to lawyer Renato Bocar, Executive Clerk of Court of the Sandiganbayan en banc, it is expected for the court to issue warrants of arrest and HDOs against an accused after finding probable cause.

He said at present only Neri filed a motion for the determination of probable cause which is now lodged at the Sandiganbayan 5th Division.... MORE

SourceThe Daily Tribune

URL: http://www.tribuneonline.org/headlines/20100622hed6.html


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