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World Wildlife Fund for Nature-Philippines

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Archive: 10 Steps For Success in Copenhagen (6 Nov. 2009)

Saturday, December 26, 2009

10 Steps For Success in Copenhagen

WWF has defined 10 elements of substance which need to be dealt with in the final outcome of the Copenhagen process. These elements must be covered by clear decisions in the Copenhagen climate deal.

1. A legally binding outcome building on the Convention and the Kyoto Protocol and their ultimate objectives and principles which include all Parties to the Convention, based on a system of five-year commitment periods with emergency review clauses to enable the accommodation of new scientific knowledge. The preferable form of the Copenhagen outcome will be an amended Kyoto Protocol, which is closely linked to a new Copenhagen Protocol. These 'sister protocols' should include the elements described below;

2. A Shared Vision to secure the survival of countries, cultures and ecosystems to establish low-carbon development worldwide and to guarantee equity. Recognition that achieving this means that global temperature rise must be kept far below 2* C compared to pre-industrial levels, recognizing that even 1.5* C warming poses great risks. And recognition that global emissions will have to peak and then start declining in the 2013 - 2017 period;

3. Agreed emission reductions targets for Annex 1 countries for the 2013 - 17 commitment period, leading them towards reduction as a group to 40% below-1990 emissions levels by 2020, and a provision that Annex 1 countries develop Zero Carbon Action Plans as the framework for their emissions reductions pathway towards decarbonization by 2050;

4. A framework for UNFCCC recognition of developing country actions, unilateral and supported, adding up to an aim by developing countries as a group to reduce emissions by at least - 30% compared to business-as-usual. The framework would recognize nationally-appropriate mitigation actions (NAMAs), and would provide for these to be included in comprehensive and visionary 2050 low carbon action plans (LCAPs);

5. A mechanism under the UNFCCC for reducing emissions from deforestation and degradation (REDD) by at least -75% by 2020 compared to 1990 levels. This must respect the rights of local communities, indigenous peoples and protect biodiversity;

6. An adaptation action framework that in particular seeks to protect the most vulnerable countries and communities as well as ecosystems. This should include the creation of an international insurance mechanism, including just compensation;

7. A public financing framework for mitigation and adaptation under the UNFCCC which includes guaranteed provision of sufficient, measurable, reportable, verifiable public finance by industrialized countries for (a) mitigation action by developing countries to enable a low-carbon development, and for (b) adaptation action by developing countries. Such finance is to be additional to current official development assistance, must not consist of carbon market finance and should be in the order of 160 US$ Billion per year for the period 2013 - 17 on the basis of assessed contributions, raised in particular through the auctioning of emission allowances for industrialized countries and through emission allowances for the global aviation and shipping sectors;

8. A technology mechanism which supports technology cooperation to secure research, development and dissemination of low-carbon technologies, including a technology-fund financed by developed countries to secure technology transfer for developing countries. The technology mechanism should work through technology action programs, driven by technology development objectives. It should coordinate with existing international, regional and bilateral technology efforts;

9. An institutional framework with new and increased institutional capacity under the guidance and authority of the UNFCCC to secure the needed coordination, support and implementation capacity for the mitigation, technology, adaptation and REDD commitments & incentive mechanisms, based on a democratic governance system representing developing and developed countries fairly. Actual implementation could happen through existing institutions outside of the UNFCCC, provided these reported to the UNFCCC through the coordination mechanism;

10. An agreement on standards or rules for a number of foundational areas, including inventories, LULUCF treatment in developed countries, carbon markets, MRV for both developed and developing countries and compliance procedures. International shipping and aviation must be part of the overall mitigation effort and policies to reduce emissions should also generate climate finance.

WWF will be working around-the-clock to ensure that decision makers in Copenhagen come up with responsible and no-nonsense solutions to the global climate crisis. The stakes are simply too high to ignore.

WWF is the world’s largest and most experienced conservation organization. Help us come up with practical environmental solutions by visiting wwf.org.ph/howhelp.php or calling 895-6294. Together, we shall face environmental adversity - to leave our children a living planet. 

WWF (World Wildlife Fund for Nature) Release
06 November 2009
(Reposted with permission, from http://www.wwf.org.ph/newsfacts.php?pg=det&id=170)

For more information please contact:
Yeb Saño
Climate Change and Energy Programme Director, WWF-Philippines
920-7923/26/31, 0917-807-9089

Gregg Yan
Information, Education and Communications Officer, WWF-Philippines


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