• 6 AUGUST - *1907 - Gen. Macario Sakay, one of the Filipino military leaders who had continued fighting the imperialist United States invaders eight years into the Ph...
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Duplicity of Oplan Bayanihan: Bondoc Peninsula under siege

Saturday, July 7, 2012


Duplicity of Oplan Bayanihan: Bondoc Peninsula under siege

The Aquino government boasted that its new counterinsurgency program Oplan Bayanihan is totally different from the infamous Oplan Bantay Laya of the previous administration. However, the mounting cries for justice of the people of Bondoc Peninsula in southern Luzon shows that it is different only in name, but the same in essence. 

Counterinsurgency rears ugly head in South Quezon

LOPEZ, Quezon – Since last year, Bernardo (not his real name), 52, a resident of San Francisco-B village in Lopez, has been visited by soldiers three times in his house. He was also asked to go to the detachment of the Army’s 76th Infantry Battalion in Silang village four times.
A former leader of Anakpawis, Bernardo said soldiers were telling him to admit he is a member of the New People’s Army (NPA), armed wing of the Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP). “I told them I am not. That’s the truth,” Bernardo said in Filipino in an interview with Bulatlat.com. (Click here to read the entire article)

Humanitarian mission triumphs over attempts of military to sabotage activities

LOPEZ, Quezon – Determined to bring food, medicines and other relief goods to the impoverished and highly militarized communities in South Quezon, the Save Bondoc Peninsula Movement overcame one hurdle after another.
The more than 300 delegation of the Save Bondoc Peninsula Movement’s mercy mission and peace caravan went to San Andres and Lopez towns in Quezon province, south of Manila from June 25 until July 1. (Click here to read the entire article)

Children traumatized by military presence

LOPEZ, Quezon – From February to April this year, soldiers of the 85th Infantry Battalion of the Philippine Army (IBPA) transformed the San Francisco Culong Elementary School into their sleeping quarters. Sometimes, the soldiers, holding their high-powered rifles, would enter the classrooms..... MORE


URL: http://bulatlat.com/main/2012/07/04/61149/

On a roll Written by Tribune Editorial

On a roll

Nonoy truly appears to be on a roll in getting favorable decisions that dovetail with his views from a Corona-less Supreme Court (SC), making the present court perhaps an Aquino court.

The latest SC decision ruled that the acting Chief Justice, who is Antonio Carpio, should head the Judicial and Bar Council, despite the  clear wording of the 1987 Constitution saying that it is the Chief Justice who is mandated to head the JBC.

But to justify that decision, the SC pulled out a 1948 Republic Act 296, Section 12, saying that considering that the complete membership in the JBC is preferable and pursuant to its supervisory power over the JBC, it should not be deprived of representation. It ruled that the most senior justice of the high court, who is not an applicant for the position of Chief Justice, should participate in the deliberations for the selection of nominees for the said vacant post and preside over the proceedings in the absence of the constitutionally named ex-officio chairman, pursuant the Judiciary Act of 1948.

That Act states that “In case of vacancy in the Office of the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, or of his inability to perform the duties and powers of his office, they shall devolve upon the Associate Justice who is first in precedence, until such disability is removed, or another Chief Justice is appointed and duly qualified. This provision shall apply to every Associate Justice who succeeds to the Office of the Chief Justice.”.... MORE

SourceThe Daily Tribune

URL: http://www.tribune.net.ph/index.php/commentary/editorial/item/1180-on-a-roll

Libyan democracy: Regional division, bloodshed mar first post-Gaddafi poll

Libyan democracy: Regional division, bloodshed mar first post-Gaddafi poll

Libyans are heading to polls for the country’s first elections since ousting Muammar Gaddafi. However, reports of pro-autonomy activists attacking ballots and continued unrest by militia groups could see Libya’s democratic dreams go up in smoke.

Anti-election demonstrators have attacked a polling station in the eastern city of Benghazi, setting fire to ballot slips, reports Reuters. Activists burned hundreds of ballot papers before driving off, firing rounds into the air, say witnesses.

The incident is the first sign of unrest during the country’s milestone elections.

Libyan voters will choose from over 3,700 candidates to makeup a 200 strong National Assembly who will then be charged with electing a Prime Minister and a cabinet..... MORE


URL: http://www.rt.com/news/elections-libya-violence-militia-622/

'Bye-bye miss American pie': US pilot mock-sings as missile hits target (VIDEO)

'Bye-bye miss American pie': US pilot mock-sings as missile hits target (VIDEO)

In the latest uproar surrounding American troops in Afghanistan, video has been released of an American pilot singing an impromptu rendition of Don McLean’s ‘American Pie’ at the exact moment a rocket strikes Afghans on the ground.

The video appeared on Liveleak.com and is already generating controversy for a US government that has had to deal with multiple scandals involving deplorable conduct of American troops in Afghanistan.

The video, taken from the cockpit of an AH64 Apache helicopter in the 101st airborne division, shows an air raid on an Afghan roadway. As the pilots close in on the target, they release a hellfire missile. The targets can be seen as little white spots in the middle of the road. They turn to run, and the moment before they are engulfed in flame, one of the pilots comes over the com with his rendition of the most famous line of the American classic..... MORE

URL: http://www.rt.com/news/american-pilot-target-video-582/

UFOs sweep the skies: Orbs spotted worldwide (VIDEO)

UFOs sweep the skies: Orbs spotted worldwide (VIDEO)

Fast flying orbs of light have been spotted in the US and Europe almost simultaneously. While many suggest they were the same UFOs, the question remains: how they could travel so fast?

First the phenomenon was spotted over Salt Lake City, Utah, about a week ago. Then it was also seen in Poland, Greece and Slovakia, some 9,000 kilometers away..... MORE


URL: http://www.rt.com/news/ufo-orbs-usa-europe-612/

Peace talks hampered as detained NDFP consultant forcibly transfered

Peace talks hampered as detained NDFP consultant forcibly transfered

Political detainee and NDFP consultant Alan Jazmines was transferred in the wee hours of the morning and was not allowed to call his lawyer.

MANILA — Luis Jalandoni, chief negotiator of the National Democratic Front of the Philippines (NDFP) in the peace negotiations with the Government of the Philippines (GPH), said the prospects of the peace talks resuming next year are dampened by what he said was “the treacherous and forcible transfer of NDFP Consultant Alan Jazmines from the Philippine National Police (PNP) Custodial Center in Camp Crame to Camp Bagong Diwa in Bicutan.”

According to reports, Jazmines was transferred in the wee hours of the morning last June 29 and was not allowed to call his legal counsel..

“This is a further gross violation of the basic rights of Alan Jazmines, who is not only an NDFP Consultant in the peace talks with the Aquino government. He is also a Member of the NDFP Reciprocal Working Committee for Social and Economic Reforms. This shows utter disregard of his rights guaranteed by the Joint Agreement on Safety and Immunity Guarantees (JASIG) signed by the GPH and the NDFP.Together with the brutal and inhumane treatment of NDFP Consultant Tirso Alcantara, who is kept in isolation in a Philippine Army camp for more than 18 months, and other NDFP Consultants still illegally detained, these have a serious dampening effect on prospects for the resumption of formal peace talks,” Jalandoni said.
Jalandoni said police and legal authorities should immediately explain Jazmines’ sudden, stealthy transfer.

The chairperson of Karapatan human rights group Marie Hilao-Enriquez also slammed the move, decrying “that it reeks of treachery.” She also said the head of the Commission on Human Rights (CHR) Etta Rosales should also take responsibility for the PNP’s action.

“We learned that she was with Supt. Cesar Magsino, chief of the PNP Custodial Center, when Jazmines was transported to Bicutan. The CHR chairperson could have at the very least facilitated Jazmines’s request to talk to his lawyers,” she said..... MORE


URL: http://bulatlat.com/main/2012/07/06/peace-talks-hampered-as-detained-ndfp-consultant-forcibly-transfered/

Arman Albarillo in the eyes of his Katherine

Arman Albarillo in the eyes of his Katherine

“He lived the way he wanted to live – doing good for the poor, defending them”.
MANILA — Katherine Realco and Arman Albarillo were barely in their 20s when they met and fell in love. She was a salesperson in one shop, and he in another – one that made and sold footwear and bags for mountaineering enthusiasts.

“It was my old friend Jenny who really liked him, not I,” she said. Her eyes are behind large sunglasses to hide the truth of how swollen they are from the tears that will not stop flowing. There was, however, a smile in her voice as she recounted her early days with the man who would become her partner and the man who would one day be a much- emulated member of the New People’s Army (NPA) in Southern Tagalog.

It was the year 2000 in Mindoro Oriental. Katherine’s friend Jenny wanted to see Arman in the shop in Calapan where he worked. Katherine had no plans that afternoon, so she accompanied Jenny. Her first meeting with Arman was, to her, nothing to gossip about.

“I wasn’t interested in meeting him. I was there for my friend,” she said.

But it was Katherine who Arman noticed, and unfortunately for the friend, Arman’s attention stayed on Katherine.

“We had a snack, the three of us. He was nice even then, but I wasn’t interested in him,” she said. The three of them talked, and Jenny let on that she and Katherine were going out in the following days and maybe Arman would be interested in joining them. Katherine didn’t remember what he said.

After two days, she ran into Arman at the tricycle waiting station. The small, cramped cab in front of them was already full, so she was forced to sit behind the driver, and next to her was Arman.

“It turned out that he had waited for us the previous day at 6 p.m., the time Jenny said we would be leaving work. It was already 9 p.m., so he asked why I was late. He admitted that he had been there for the last three hours waiting for me,” she said.

That Arman was interested in Katherine was not lost on Jenny, so the two girls had a falling out. Katherine said she never intended for Arman to like her and at first, even made efforts to discourage him, but he was patient and persevering.

“I even thought he was ugly,” she said, again the smile in her voice.

He paid for her tricycle fare that first night, and on the following nights. He also paid for her jeepney fare. One time he asked her where she lived and if it was alright for him to escort her safely home.

“It was impossible not to see how sincere he was, and even impossible to not like him. He had an openness about him, an honesty and sincerity that made one trust him. I told him that if he would go to our house my father would probably go after him with a jungle knife, but he wasn’t deterred. He met my father, shook hands with him and told him that all he wanted was to make sure I was safe at home after work,” she said.

Soon after they became good friends, and soon became girlfriend and boyfriend. It was a simple yet happy life, Katherine said. Arman was goodhearted, and a hard worker. He took classes some days, and worked on others. He took her home with him to San Teodoro town still in Mindoro to meet his parents and siblings. She was warmly accepted, she felt welcome and she was.

“We had our first child Arckian on March 6, 2002. We lived in Calapan, the three of us, but when I was pregnant Arman’s mother kindly offered to help take care of me and the baby until we all got settled. I took a leave from work, and by the end of March,we made plans to visit San Teodoro. Arman called his father and asked if he could butcher a goat so we could all celebrate Arckian’s first baby month. We all looked forward to that visit,” she said.

But tragedy struck in the form of government-sanctioned violence..... MORE


URL: http://bulatlat.com/main/2012/07/06/arman-albarillo-in-the-eyes-of-his-katherine/

Noy moves vs China reached Written by Tribune Saturday, 07 July 2012

Noy moves vs China reached

  • Written by 
  • Saturday, 07 July 2012
Claiming that President Aquino has reached a decision on how to deal with China, which has claimed full sovereignty over the virtually entire South China sea, but will not disclose what he had decided on.

Malacañang refused to tell reporters of the decision Aquino had made on the China-Philippine dispute, saying that changes were quickly made as the full  Cabinet meeting was called off and an executive session was held instead.

Aquino’s spokesman, Edwin Lacierda, said he could not reveal anything that went on during the meeting, since this was held in executive session regarding security matters.

At a press briefing at the Palace, Lacierda took an evasive position, warding off questions from Palace reporters wanting to be updated on the  Cabinet meeting called Thursday afternoon by the President himself.
Lacierda, however, admitted there were personalities whose names were not included in the list of those expected to attend Aquino’s full Cabinet meeting where top government officials were asked to provide an input over the brewing tension with China.

Two legislators from the Senate — Senate President Juan Ponce Enrile and former renegade Navy officer Sen. Antonio Trillanes attended the Cabinet meeting. Both Enrile and Trillanes, Lacierda added, are perceived by the President as credible resource persons on matters of national security, saying the Senate President served as Minister of National Defense for many years under the late strongman Ferdinand Marcos while Trillanes was invited in his  capacity as a Navy officer..... MORE

SourceThe Daily Tribune

URL: http://www.tribune.net.ph/index.php/headlines/item/1196-noy-moves-vs-china-reached

Congress leaders still keen on Cha-cha Written by Gerry Baldo Saturday, 07 July 2012 00:00

Congress leaders still keen on Cha-cha

Senate President Juan Ponce Enrile and Speaker Feliciano Belmonte are set to meet this weekend to thresh out how they can push through with amending the economic provisions of the Constitution even if President  Aquino shows no interest in the issue.

Belmonte said his meeting with Enrile is aimed at expediting Charter change (Cha-cha) given the short period left in the Third Regular Session of Congress which starts on July 23.

“I am going to meet the Senate President this weekend to once and for all settle the issue of amending some economic provisions of the Constitution to further push the country’s bullish economy,” Belmonte told House reporters yesterday.

“Charter change is not yet dead,” he stressed, referring to several proposals that have been pending at the House committee on constitutional amendments for months.

The House leader, however, said the proposal will not take off unless the President supports the move.
“If the President will get on board on this initiative, we have better chances,” Belmonte admitted.
“Theoretically, efforts to amend the Constitution belong to Congress, but we need all his (President Aquino) blessings to make the initiative successful because at the end of the day, he will make the final judgment after Congress passes the amendments and agreed upon by the people through the plebiscite,” he said..... MORE

SourceThe Daily Tribune

URL: http://www.tribune.net.ph/index.php/headlines/item/1197-congress-leaders-still-keen-on-cha-cha

The Netherlands presses Noy gov’t to get Dutch aid worker’s killers

The Netherlands has asked the Aquino government to hold accountable the gunmen who murdered a Dutch aid worker in an attack that stirred outrage among local activist and church groups.

Dutch Ambassador to Manila Robert Brinks expressed his shock over the killing of Willem Geertman, 67, who was shot by two men in front of his non-government organization’s office in San Fernando, Pampanga last Tuesday.

“Ambassador Brinks noted Geertman’s years of involvement with local development and humanitarian organizations and expressed his sincere  hope that authorities will hold those behind the killing accountable,” a statement released by the Dutch embassy said.

Police had originally identified the victim as “William Geertman” and insisted that robbery remains the primary motive in the incident.

But some activist groups linked the killing to the government’s fight against communist rebels, while others said it was related to a land dispute centering on the redistribution of Hacienda Luisita estate owned by the family of President Aquino..... MORE

SourceThe Daily Tribune

URL: http://www.tribune.net.ph/index.php/headlines/item/1194-the-netherlands-presses-noy-gov%E2%80%99t-to-get-dutch-aid-worker%E2%80%99s-killers

SC: Jalosjos keeps House post

SC: Jalosjos keeps House post

Zamboanga Sibugay second district Rep. Romeo Jalosjos Jr.’s claim to his post has been upheld by the Supreme Court (SC).

In a nine-page decision yesterday, the high court nullified a ruling of the Commission on Elections (Comelec) in June 2010 disqualifying him from the congressional race over a residency issue through a protest by his rival Dan Erasmo.

The high court held that the poll body erred in disqualifying Jalosjos when the polls were already concluded and he had been declared winner.

“The court holds that the Comelec exceeded its jurisdiction in declaring Jalosjos ineligible for the position of representative for the second district of Zamboanga Sibugay, which he won in the elctions, since it had ceased to have jurisidiction over his case,” read the ruling penned by Associate Justice Roberto Abad..... MORE

SourceThe Daily Tribune

URL: http://www.tribune.net.ph/index.php/nation/item/1211-sc-jalosjos-keeps-house-post

Casiño may run for senator under NP Written by Charlie V. Manalo Saturday, 07 July 2012

Casiño may run for senator under NP

Former Las Piñas Rep. Cynthia Villar has bared that the Nacionalista Party (NP) headed by her husband, Sen. Manuel Villar, had enlisted four guaranteed candidates for the senator with “graduating Congressman” Teodoro Casiño as possibly the fifth, once a coalition is forged between the NP and Bayan Muna.

The congresswoman revealed that the NP’s senatorial candidates, aside from herself, would include Alan Peter Cayetano, Robert Ace Barbers and Casiño. She however refused to reveal the fifth candidate.
At this point, no coalition with other political parties have yet been forged by the NP, said Mrs. Villar, a three termer congresswoman in the House.

Meanwhile, Zambales Rep. Ma. Milagros “Mitos” Magsaysay yesterday said that if Sen. Franklin Drilon would not apologize for implying that she was less of a Magsaysay, then she would not force the issue.
According to the lady solon, what was important was that the people know the truth.

“I will not force him to say sorry if he stands by the fact that he is in the right. I was not asking for the apology for myself anyway but for the millions of married women affected by his badmouthing,” Magsaysay said..... MORE

SourceThe Daily Tribune

URL: http://www.tribune.net.ph/index.php/nation/item/1208-casi%C3%B1o-may-run-for-senator-under-np

Declare as criminal act titling of public waterways — lawmaker Written by Charlie V. Manalo Saturday, 07 July 2012

Declare as criminal act titling of public waterways — lawmaker

 A bill declaring as a criminal act the illegal titling of public waterways has been filed at the House of Representatives.

House Bill 3436, authored principally by Rizal Rep. Joel Roy Duavit, imposes six months to 12 years imprisonment for the titling, appropriation, encroachment and registration of creeks, esteros, streams, canals, river banks and other public waterways.

“Urban centers have become so crowded that every available space is being encroached upon and titled to the extent that even canals, streams and esteros are being filled up and built over, regardless of the fact that these are properties of the State, alienable, and acquisition thereof is fraudulent,” Duavit said.

Duavit added the bill to prevent or curtail the prevalent anomalous acts of titling, appropriation, encroachment and/or registration of esteros, creeks, canals, streams, and other public waterways is consistent with public order and in furtherance of national interest..... MORE

SourceThe Daily Tribune

URL: http://www.tribune.net.ph/index.php/metro-section/item/1189-declare-as-criminal-act-titling-of-public-waterways-%E2%80%94-lawmaker

Suspension of Pantranco franchise awarding hit Written by Tribune Saturday, 07 July 2012

Suspension of Pantranco franchise awarding hit

  • Written by 
  • Saturday, 07 July 2012
Labor center Kilusang Mayo Uno (KMU) yesterday slammed the Aquino government for suspending the awarding of a bus corporation’s franchises to a buyer, siding with the company’s former workers who claim that payment for the franchises constitutes payment for their labor claims.

Former workers of the Pantranco North Express Inc. (PNEI), which was owned and controlled by the government when it went under in the late ’80s, are claiming that their ownership and subsequent sale of the company’s franchises are warranted by a National Labor Relations   Commission decision in their favor.

Last week, Transportation and Communications Secretary Mar Roxas suspended the awarding by the Land Transportation Franchising and Regulatory Board of Pantranco’s franchises to a private buyer, questioning the legality of the move..... MORE

SourceThe Daily Tribune

URL: http://www.tribune.net.ph/index.php/metro-section/item/1190-suspension-of-pantranco-franchise-awarding-hit

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