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The drums of war!

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

The drums of war!

by Jagdish Keshav
The drums of war have not ceased with the destruction of Libya. A new war-paint is being donned by the western imperial powers. The tune of martial music now has a Middle Eastern touch to it and the North African one has stopped for the moment.

Syria and Iran are the current focus points. As per the western media, thousands have perished in Syria, killed by Bashir Assad. All of the dead being civilians and rebels. But some reliable sources state that the rebels are not true rebels, but are planted and supported by subversive establishments of the West that have vested interests in this area. And once again, their Goebellian media is blowing up the matter, trying to divert people's minds from the realities that are haunting their societies, mainly economic woes..... MORE


URL: http://english.pravda.ru/hotspots/terror/05-01-2012/120155-The_drums_of_war-0/


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