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Bleak future under Noy EDITORIAL 07/27/2011

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Bleak future under Noy

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Recapturing an “exhilarating” condition that may have existed in the past is near nigh impossible and usually results in depressive failure.
Such an attempt to recapture that which is clearly lost was what Noynoy tried to do when he came up with his second State of the Nation Address (Sona) where he brought back the “wang-wang” speech during his inaugural address in June last year, in a bid to make it the symbol of past government abuse and his “success” at eliminating this wang-wang which he tried to portray his “success” in doing away with government abuse and in transforming society.
Noynoy and his speechwriters failed, as usual, but perhaps Noynoy had nothing by way of achievement and performance and even vision in his full year as president, which explains the total absence of a road map to follow in the next year and throughout his term..... MORE

SourceThe Daily Tribune

URL: http://www.tribuneonline.org/commentary/20110727com1.html

Directionless Noynoy FRONTLINE Ninez Cacho-Olivares 07/27/2011

Directionless Noynoy

Ninez Cacho-Olivares
Looks like we will have five more years of a directionless government, with the nobody home president in the saddle.

One would have thought that after a year in office, and with the Palace hype on Noynoy’s State of the Nation’s “where-we-came-from-where-we-are-at-what-we-have-done-and where-we-will-be-headed-to-in-the-next-five-years,” Noynoy would have, for a change, a speech with substance and vision, complete with a road map for the five-year future.

No such luck, but then again, what can one really expect from a throughly incompetent president, who, after one year in office, still hasn’t even started to learn the ropes, as shown by his brainless Sona filled with lies and exaggerations to make himself look good, not even realizing that all his lies and exaggerations could be checked out with official data that show up his lies.

All his, and his administration’s failures were nowhere to be found in his wang-wang Sona which was billed as a social transformation Sona..... MORE

SourceThe Daily Tribune

URL: http://www.tribuneonline.org/commentary/20110727com2.html

Czech ‘rent-a-goat’ attraction helps African families FEATURE 07/27/2011

Czech ‘rent-a-goat’ attraction helps African families


BOSKOVICE — A wild west theme park in the Czech Republic has teamed up with a local humanitarian organization to buy goats for rural African families through its novel “rent-a-goat” attraction.
Holiday makers visiting the park in Boskovice, southeast of the capital Prague, can have fun and do their bit to help others by renting goats to feed or romp around with for 10 Czech koruna (0.40 euros, 0.60 dollars) as part of a project called “Goats for Africa.”
“Last year we sent 214,000 koruna to buy 214 goats — that’s a decent number,” said Lubos “Jerry” Prochazka, the “sheriff” and founder of the popular theme park that draws 60,000 to 100,000 visitors a year.
A local aid group called People in Need uses the funds to buy goats — hardy creatures that produce highly nutritious milk — for rural families in Africa and at times Asia..... MORE

SourceThe Daily Tribune

URL: http://www.tribuneonline.org/commentary/20110727com3.html

Floods rupture Pakistani feudal ties FEATURE 07/27/2011

Floods rupture Pakistani feudal ties


SUKKUR — Bakhsh Ali Lashari has spent the last year living in a tent since floods devastated a third of Pakistan. His home is no longer under water, but death threats mean he’s never going back.

The monsoon-triggered floods — the worst in Pakistani history — affected up to 21 million people, killed another 1,750 and ran up losses of $10 billion; a year later a shattered economy has barely recovered.

Lashari’s part of southern Pakistan was one of the worst hit areas, submerged in gushing waters that took months to recede.

But the disaster gave him a chance to break free from centuries of oppression. He is one of thousands who prefer life in rotting camps to returning to feudal estates where debts and marriages can end in death..... MORE

SourceThe Daily Tribune

URL: http://www.tribuneonline.org/commentary/20110727com5.html

The lost containers C.R.O.S.S.R.O.A.D.S Jonathan De la Cruz 07/27/2011 I will now take P-Noy at his word and take the fight against this “culture of wang-wang,” that is abuse of power and privilege, and, yes, graft and corruption, personally. I will begin by asking Customs Commissioner Lito Alvarez and his anti-smuggling (RATS) czar, Deputy Commissioner Greg Chavez, to join me in going after the hooligans, in and out of the bureau, who engineered that Houdini act resulting in the disappearance of 1,624 containers (were these 20 or 40 footers?) released from the Port of Manila and the Manila International Container Port (MICP) transiting to the Port of Batangas. These containers never got to Batangas. How did this happen at all? And where are these containers now? As first reported by Batangas Port Collector Juan Tan, only 305 container vans being transhipped by importers Sea Eagles Trading, LCN Trading and Monvellian Enterprises from the two Manila ports to his area actually got there. The rest, 595 all in all, never reached port. Then came Customs Intelligence Chief Dino Tuason with an even more startling revelation. Based on documents in his possession, Tuason said there were actually 2,219 containers released from the Manila ports for transshipment to Batangas. So, we are not talking here of only 595 missing containers but a whooping 1,624 containing God knows what goods. These must have cost billions of pesos worth of goods and yes, an equally huge sum, maybe in the hundreds of millions at least, in grease money which oiled this Houdini operations. It is impossible for such a large number to simply disappear into the night, as it were. There must at least be a trace and it should be easy to account for these. Unless the perpetrators so organized this operation they were able to blindside everybody to look elsewhere while they covered their tracks. Up to now, Alvarez and Chavez have yet to issue any report on this highly mysterious disappearance right under their very noses. Yet these guys usually go out of their way to trumpet their weekly RATS reports targeting all kinds of “malcontents,” in their view of course, for all kinds of “misdeeds” committed at the ports. How come they have not spoken a word about this caper? This is definitely an open and shut case which Alvarez and Chavez can easily uncover and bring to light if they are so minded. But the public remains in the dark wondering where these guys are at a time when P-Noy just announced a transformational breakthrough of sorts, well we await with bated breath what Finance Secretary Cesar Purisima whose handling of the economy over the past 365 days was one of P-Noy’s major Sona revelations. Then, once we get a satisfactory answer on these lost containers, I will proceed to ask P-Noy and his team to kindly advise if indeed they have reviewed the BOT contract of this publicly listed Malaysian firm, MTD Bhd., for the rehabilitation, upgrading and operation of the South Luzon Expressway (Slex) from Alabang to Calamba (or is it Sto. Tomas?). After all, if P-Noy can just cancel “big ticket” projects such as the P18 billion Laguna Lake Project despite serious legal and diplomatic consequences presumably on the say-so of his reviewers like DPWH Secretary Babes Singson and, yes, Finance Secretary Purisima, it is impossible to have missed out on this multi-billion, multi-year project. In case they have actually failed to look into this project then they better get going now. For the record, the representations of MTD Bhd before the TRB when it was defending its toll increase was a complete lie. In filings in Malaysia, the company said it spent P12 billion on the entire Alabang-Lucena City portion of the expressway. Yet, before the TRB it said it spent exactly the same amount only for the Alabang-Calamba-Sto. Tomas leg. The TRB took the firm’s representations hook, line and sinker and proceeded to approve the increase rates despite the objections of oppositors led by lawyer Ernesto Francisco who personally told the TRB about MTD Bhd’s false claims in Kuala Lumpur. I hope the TRB headed by newly appointed DoTC Secretary Mar Roxas with Singson and Purisima as members will rectify this manifest error immediately and make good on P-Noy’s anti-culture of wang-wang and daang matuwid mantras, And, we are just talking here of this Slex BOT contract. And yet this company has the gall to advise that it will join the bidding for the Daang Hari PPP project? What about showing this firm the door before it is too late and before it hazards to even dip its fingers again into the pie at the government’s and the public’s expense? And while they continue with their reviews why not include the other BOT contracts which have been in place for sometime or even those which are in the signing stage which government and the public will let go to their woe and despair. And while he is at it, how about working to standardize the rate setting frame for basic utilities such as electricity and water which, as reports have it, are being handled under divergent, sometimes, inchoate, arrangements leading to undue spikes in these basic needs? Throw in as well executive action on basic commodities including oil and oil products which, if P-Noy wants it, can at least be tamed like what the NFA did with rice importations? And then, get the LGUs and national government agencies to work on synchronizing actions on a host of measures to simplify rules and make way for investor friendly arrangements down to the lowest barangays. that will go a longer way in uplifting our marginalized sectors than all the CCT dosages across the board? And, finally, how about working on jueteng (at least minimize it if you cannot entirely eradicate), the cases of carnappings, extra-judicial and media killings, the Freedom of Information (FoI) initiative which P-Noy can jumpstart at the executive branch level while the bill is being shepherded through Congress. And so, as as we laud P-Noy for insisting against all comers to take the anti wang-wang and anti corruption drives, personally, we ask him and his advisers now to go get the perpetrators of the scams, the protectors of ill conceived and implemented projects and all others who have adapted to the wang-wang culture without any hint that indeed they have realized their mistakes and are now on the bend. I will be happy to know that jueteng operators are now on the run, the containers have all been accounted for and the perpetrators handed their just desserts. Let’s go...go...go... | More .COMMENTARY. EDITORIAL Bleak future under Noy FRONTLINE Directionless Noynoy FEATURE Czech ‘rent-a-goat’ attraction helps African families C.R.O.S.S.R.O.A.D.S The lost containers FEATURE Floods rupture Pakistani feudal ties HE SAYS How simple? SHE SAYS So now what?

The lost containers

Jonathan De la Cruz
I will now take P-Noy at his word and take the fight against this “culture of wang-wang,” that is abuse of power and privilege, and, yes, graft and corruption, personally. I will begin by asking Customs Commissioner Lito Alvarez and his anti-smuggling (RATS) czar, Deputy Commissioner Greg Chavez, to join me in going after the hooligans, in and out of the bureau, who engineered that Houdini act resulting in the disappearance of 1,624 containers (were these 20 or 40 footers?) released from the Port of Manila and the Manila International Container Port (MICP) transiting to the Port of Batangas. These containers never got to Batangas. How did this happen at all? And where are these containers now?

As first reported by Batangas Port Collector Juan Tan, only 305 container vans being transhipped by importers Sea Eagles Trading, LCN Trading and Monvellian Enterprises from the two Manila ports to his area actually got there. The rest, 595 all in all, never reached port. Then came Customs Intelligence Chief Dino Tuason with an even more startling revelation. Based on documents in his possession, Tuason said there were actually 2,219 containers released from the Manila ports for transshipment to Batangas. So, we are not talking here of only 595 missing containers but a whooping 1,624 containing God knows what goods. These must have cost billions of pesos worth of goods and yes, an equally huge sum, maybe in the hundreds of millions at least, in grease money which oiled this Houdini operations. It is impossible for such a large number to simply disappear into the night, as it were. There must at least be a trace and it should be easy to account for these. Unless the perpetrators so organized this operation they were able to blindside everybody to look elsewhere while they covered their tracks..... MORE

SourceThe Daily Tribune

URL: http://www.tribuneonline.org/commentary/20110727com4.html

FVR dictated OK of lease contract —ex-PCSO chief By Angie M. Rosales 07/27/2011

FVR dictated OK of lease contract —ex-PCSO chief

By Angie M. Rosales 07/27/2011
It was on orders of then President Fidel V. Ramos to the Philippine Charity Sweepstakes Office chairman and his board to disregard public bidding and the approval of lease equipment agreement, and not necessarily what the PCSO wanted.

This was what former PCSO chairman Manuel Morato disclosed to the senators during the hearing on the PCSO yesterday.

Senate President Juan Ponce Enrile saw this extended contract as a sellout of the Philippine interest, referring to the extension of the contract and the distribution of lease agreement granted by PCSO to suppliers of lotto machines during the Ramos administration which cost the government an additional P13 billion.

Senate probers were told yesterday, during the continuation of the inquiry into the PCSO fund mess, that Malacañang, under the Ramos administration, “dictated upon” its then chairman Morato to disregard the conduct of public bidding for the extension of another eight years of the lease.... MORE

SourceThe Daily Tribune

URL: http://www.tribuneonline.org/headlines/20110727hed1.html

Palace admits it still has no case vs GMA; Gloria has surgery By Virgilio J. Bugaoisan and Charlie V. Manalo 07/27/2011

Palace admits it still has no case vs GMA; Gloria has surgery

By Virgilio J. Bugaoisan and Charlie V. Manalo 07/27/2011
After one year of throwing accusations of massive corrup-tion against Presi-dent Aquino’s predecessor, Malacañang admitted yesterday that it still had no solid evidence to pin down and effectively charge former President Arroyo who is scheduled to undergo surgery.

At a press briefing, presidential spokes-man Edwin Lacierda admitted that the administration is still in the process of gathering evidence even just for the purpose of estab-lishing probable cause in its claims of graft and
corruption against the Arroyo administration, but failed to explain why Aquino and his aides continue with their trial and conviction by publicity if the Palace has no solid evidence of what it accuses Arroyo.

“If ever cases will be filed, it will be filed only after the evidence has been gathered and collected and after the assessment that there is probable cause. These would all be based on legal parameters, so I cannot say if it will have any effect on the evidence-gathering at this point. Certainly, I think the work of reform goes on regardless of who is going to be affected,” Lacierda said..... MORE

SourceThe Daily Tribune

URL: http://www.tribuneonline.org/headlines/20110727hed2.html

FG Arroyo lined up for grilling in Senate over choppers scam By Angie M. Rosales 07/27/2011

FG Arroyo lined up for grilling in Senate over choppers scam

By Angie M. Rosales 07/27/2011

Former First Gentleman Jose Miguel “Mike” Arroyo has been lined up for grilling in the Senate on the impending probe on the Philippine National Police’ (PNP) in the acquisition of alleged second-hand helicopters in the amount of P105 million in 2009.

It was earlier alleged by Sen. Panfilo Lacson, who filed resolution No. 518, that the documents he obtained on the said transaction supposedly indicated that the Arroyos were the former owners of the helicopters “forcibly” sold and priced as brand-new to the PNP.

Public hearings on this issue has been set this Thursday by blue ribbon committee chairman Sen. Teofisto Guingona III, with the present and former PNP officials as the first batch of invited guests.

“Then we will call on (representatives from) MAPTRA (Manila Aerospace Products Trading Corp.),” Lacson said, referring to the company that was awarded the contract in July 9, 2009 by the PNP negotiation committee for one Robinson R44 Raven II and two Robinson R44 Raven I helicopters, supposedly intended for use by the elite Special Action Force (SAF)..... MORE

SourceThe Daily Tribune

URL: http://www.tribuneonline.org/nation/20110727nat1.html

UK invites talented nationals, including Pinoys, to live in England 07/27/2011

UK invites talented nationals, including Pinoys, to live in England

The United Kingdom is encouraging exceptionally talented nationals, including Filipinos, who excel in the fields of science, humanities, engineering and the arts to come and live in Britain.

UK’s new ‘Exceptional Talent’ immigration scheme will begin accepting applications on August 9 for up to 1,000 exceptionally talented migrants.

“Our new exceptional talent route will ensure that we continue to attract the brightest into the UK and keep the UK a global leader,” the British Embassy in Manila said, adding that it “will facilitate not only those who have already been recognized but also those with the potential to be recognized as leaders in their respective fields.”

This new policy comes at a time when the UK overhauls its immigration system to bring migration levels to the country lower, tackle abuses against illegal migrants and ensure that the system effectively meets the needs of the country..... MORE

SourceThe Daily Tribune

URL: http://www.tribuneonline.org/nation/20110727nat5.html

Makati distributes mobility aid devices to PWD, elderly 07/27/2011

Makati distributes mobility aid devices to PWD, elderly

The city government of Makati has distributed a total of 142 mobility aid devices for free to differently-abled and elderly residents in the first six months of the year.

Makati Mayor Jejomar Erwin Binay said a budget of P2 million has been allocated this year for the provision of free wheelchairs and walking canes to persons with disability (PWD) and senior citizens in the city.

“Our PWD and elderly receive free mobility aids from the city government, aside from the unique privilege of watching movies in any Makati cinema for free, without limits,” Binay said.

The mayor added the Makati Social Welfare Department (MSWD) distributed 85 adult wheelchairs, 5 kid wheelchairs, 21 canes, 15 quad canes, 14 crutches, and two walkers to qualified recipients in the first half of the year..... MORE

SourceThe Daily Tribune

URL: http://www.tribuneonline.org/metro/20110727met3.html

Bus falls from Parañaque Skyway; 3 killed, 4 injured By Gina Peralta-Elorde 07/27/2011

Bus falls from Parañaque Skyway; 3 killed, 4 injured

By Gina Peralta-Elorde 07/27/2011

Three persons were confirmed killed while four others were injured when a passenger bus fell from the Parañaque Skyway yesterday morning.

Reports reaching the Philippine National Police (PNP) headquarters at Camp Crame, Quezon City said the Dimple Star Transport Corp. bus No. 7511 was on its way to Alabang in Muntinlupa when it fell from the Skyway onto the west service road in Marcelo Green Village in Parañaque City.

The bus came from Lawton in Manila.

The driver of the bus, Joven Justo, was declared dead on arrival at the Parañaque Medical Center. The other fatalities were identified as Anthony Ibarra and Lorenzo Gabo, both passengers of the ill-fated bus..... MORE

SourceThe Daily Tribune

URL: http://www.tribuneonline.org/metro/20110727met1.html

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