
The Daily Tribune

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Two-faced Noy EDITORIAL 11/06/2011

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Two-faced Noy

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Noynoy, now before the world, during the YouTube Worldwide Series interview, exposed his Janus face on transparency and on press freedom when he was asked about the Freedom of Information (FoI) bill.

With the list of ridiculous excuses he raised from the stock alibi of consultations that are being made, to the right of way issue which was the most “creative” he has thought of yet, Noynoy was obviously stonewalling on the FoI issue.

The right of way argument is similar to a tardy student’s alibi of a spaceship landing in the middle of the road, causing a traffic jam and thus is his explanation his being late for his class..... MORE

SourceThe Daily Tribune

URL: http://www.tribuneonline.org/commentary/20111106com1.html

1 comment

Jesusa Bernardo said...

hahaha. hindi lahat ng pilipino kasing delusional at a_noy tulad mo, a_tistic na sinungaling!

"This is also the reason he even has the nerve to claim on YouTube that there is no doubt the Filipino people know that he is honest and transparent and comes clean with the people, and intimates that there is no need for an FoI bill during his term, but that the same Filipino people worry about his successors, who may not be honest and transparent as he is."

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