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What is it with NATO and terrorists?

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

What is it with NATO and terrorists?

What is it with NATO and terrorists?. 45539.jpegIn the good old days, the good guy wore the white hat and the bad cowboy wore the black hat. The good one stood for generally accepted human values defending what is acceptable in all societies, while the bad one represented what we all fear, the dark colour of his clothes representing the night, evil, fear, the Devil. And today?
Telling the truth, doing the decent thing, owning up if you committed a stupid prank, showing your face if you had to represent a cause (even if it meant you were going to encounter public derision), defending women and children and working for the community by upholding the law, were all precepts upon which we were raised. In my opinion, noble precepts.
Following these precepts involved knowing and obeying the letter of the law, not breaking it and accepting the consequences if you did. Fast forward to Y2K, the wonderful new Third Millennium, and where do we find ourselves?
In a word, backwards. For a start, following the letter of the law is only possible in societies governed by the rule of law and today this is simply not the case. We have the exponents of the Word, NATO countries in general and the FUKUS in particular (France, UK and US) who spent decades deriding the Soviet Union as being evil and being against freedom of speech and expression and denying human rights... while today the same NATO/FUKUS countries are breaching every letter of international law, trying to suppress the truth, using bullying, blackmail and belligerence as their modus operandi and committing murderous acts as they cavort with terrorists across the globe..... MORE


URL: http://english.pravda.ru/opinion/columnists/05-10-2011/119231-nato_terrorists-0/


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