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Noy says no to pleas for MRT-LRT fare hike moratorium By Virgilio J. Bugaoisan 09/08/2011

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Noy says no to pleas for MRT-LRT fare hike moratorium

By Virgilio J. Bugaoisan 09/08/2011

President Aquino has rejected desperate pleas from the public — whom he proclaimed as his Boss when he assumed the presidency a little more than a year ago — for him to declare a moratorium on the proposed increase in fares for the Metro Rail Transit (MRT) and the Light Rail Transit (LRT) systems.

In an ambush interview in Bais City, Negros Oriental, Aquino said the fare hike was already inevitable while making an assurance that the cost of increase would just be leveled with present rate being charged by Metro Manila buses.

Aquino insisted the fare hike was only reasonable as it only wanted the present rates to be at par with the present bus fares.

He claimed the fare hike would be more beneficial to the public because this would mean lesser government subsidy for the MRT and the two LRT systems..... MORE

SourceThe Daily Tribune

URL: http://www.tribuneonline.org/metro/20110908met1.html


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