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The Daily Tribune

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Same puppy, different collar FRONTLINE Ninez Cacho-Olivares 06/18/2011

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Same puppy, different collar

Ninez Cacho-Olivares
Ping Lacson has become quite a staunch defender of Noynoy, to the point of berating the Justice Secretary, Leila de Lima, for having the gall to “undermine” Noynoy though her statements, such as her being dismayed if Noynoy does not adopt her IIRC panel recommendations on the sanctions for various Noynoy officials involved in the botched hostage rescue last year, and wrong for De Lima to say that the IIRC findings jibe with the Hong Kong police findings.

“Where in the world would you find a Cabinet member who would put the president on the spot?” Lacson was quoted as saying to reporters.

It must be asked of Ping then: Why the heck was he complaining and slamming Gloria and her aides then when they refused to go against whatever policy adopted by the previous Palace tenant? Why slam them as lapdogs of Gloria, when apparently, Lacson wants all of Noynoy’s Cabinet secretaries and aides to be lapdogs? Oh, not forget Noy’s allies, too..... MORE

SourceThe Daily Tribune

URL: http://www.tribuneonline.org/commentary/20110618com2.html


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