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The Daily Tribune

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Business unimpressed EDITORIAL 03/14/2011

Monday, March 14, 2011

Business unimpressed

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Overtaken by the devastation in Japan was a recent Japan External Trade Organization (Jetro) study that showed how lowly the Philippines ranks on business plans among Japanese companies at the moment in contrast to Noynoy’s assertion in his recent Singapore visit that the overall climate in the country under his presidency is now more conducive to business and investments.

The survey undertaken in November and December last year among Japanese firms based overseas and the results released recently showed that the Philippines was pretty low in being seen as conducive to business investments, and Noynoy and his propagandists can hardly say that this was still the perception of businessmen under the Arroyo regime.

China and the United States remain favorites in setting up and expanding businesses, Southeast Asia, primarily Thailand, is emerging as a new favored destination.

Jetro indicated that the existence of a free trade agreement with Thailand was a major factor in Japanese businesses decision to flock to that country outside the US and China..... MORE

SourceThe Daily Tribune

URL: http://www.tribuneonline.org/commentary/20110314com1.html


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