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The Daily Tribune

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World Wildlife Fund for Nature-Philippines

The Philippines Matrix Project

Taiwan slams RP’s deportation of 14 nationals to China 02/04/2011

Friday, February 4, 2011

Taiwan slams RP’s deportation of 14 nationals to China

President Aquino and his government have again ruffled economic-diplomatic feathers.
Taiwan has denounced the Philippine govern-ment’s deportation of 14 Taiwanese involved in racketeering to China and warned the Aquino administration that it will “reexamine” its relations with Manila as a consequence.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Taiwan, in a statement, said the Aquino administration’s
handling of case was a “violation of the jurisdiction principle of nationality and its own legal procedures.”
Taiwan expressed “strong protest” and will “seriously reexamine its exchanges, “ including its cooperation projects, with the Philippines , the ministry said.

Taiwan is home to around 100,000 Filipino workers. Around 20,000 work as caregivers, earning at least P30,000 a month while the rest are employed in electronic assembly and manufacturing factories..... MORE

SourceThe Daily Tribune

URL: http://www.tribuneonline.org/headlines/20110204hed4.html


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