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SM, NSO tie-up lies begin EDITORIAL 07/20/2010

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

SM, NSO tie-up lies begin

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If a Senate bet for the presidency can’t make it on his own, which is by gathering enough votes on his own to get him the top Senate slate, he has no business seeking that post, as obviously, he does not have what it takes to get enough numbers to see him through his fight.

Even worse, by way of example of very poor and bad leadership, is for a Senate bet to get the Malacañang tenant to interfere, not only in Senate affairs, but even to the point of interfering in the judiciary, with President Aquino coming out with a strong message that detained Sen. Sonny Trillanes is a victim of injustice, and that the coup charges against him should never have been filed.

If Sen. Francis Pangilinan does get the Senate presidency, to what lower depths will he bring the Senate, given the fact that he keeps running to the Palace occupant for help? As everyone knows, in the real and political world, there is no such thing as a free lunch.

Besides, in the case of Pangilinan, his past record as a senator is more than sufficient proof that he has never shown a streak of independence and always toes the Palace line, when it is his ally that is seated in the highest political seat.
.... MORE

SourceThe Daily Tribune

URL: http://www.tribuneonline.org/commentary/20100720com1.html

No Solomonic solution FRONTLINE Ninez Cacho-Olivares 07/20/2010

No Solomonic solution

Ninez Cacho-Olivares
Naming all four members of the communications group to the Cabinet, or at least of their having Cabinet status, may solve their ego problem, as they all believe themselves to be media “celebrities.”

But that hardly solves a budgetary problem that Noynoy Aquino will be facing — unless he names a press secretary, who technically will have to be the “big boss” in the press or media office, as this is a line department, in which case, the budget will be bloated, with so many secretaries.
The latest reported word of the Palace concerning Noynoy’s presidential “communications group” is that all four members of the group — Presidential spokesman Edwin Lacierda, Sonny Coloma, Ricky Carandang and Manolo Quezon — are to have Cabinet status, according to a yet to be released executive order.

There was yet no word on whether there would be an overall press secretary, although earlier, the Noynoy administration had said that they would be doing away with a press secretary and instead establish a communications group.

Obviously, if the press secretary’s office — which is a line agency, as already mentioned — is in effect abolished and replaced by four Cabinet secretaries, each with an “autonomous” role to play in the communications group, the budget is zero... MORE

SourceThe Daily Tribune

URL: http://www.tribuneonline.org/commentary/20100720com2.html

Obama: Big wins, little credit focus 07/20/2010

Obama: Big wins, little credit


WASHINGTON — Not even President Barack Obama’s sworn political foes would dispute his claims to have forged sweeping political change — their cries for repeal of his historic new laws are proof of that.

But Obama, despite adding a new one last week that reshaped regulation of the post-crisis finance industry, has garnered little political reward for fulfilling campaign promises like enacting health care reform.

And the hope he whipped up among voters in the 2008 election has dissolved, as America’s trademark self-confidence stagnates as economic gloom takes its toll.

Questions about Obama’s leadership are growing, amid crushing unemployment, a grinding war in Afghanistan, and as fallout lingers from the country’s worst environmental disaster sparked by BP’s gushing oil well.

A flurry of polls in recent weeks have reignited fears among Democrats that their control of the House of Representatives and the Senate could be at risk in November’s mid-term polls.

Historically, a party lumbered with a president who has approval ratings below 50 percent suffers badly in congressional polls.... MORE

SourceThe Daily Tribune

URL: http://www.tribuneonline.org/commentary/20100720com3.html

Good for both MR. EXPOSE Amb. Ernesto Maceda 07/20/2010

Good for both

Amb. Ernesto Maceda
The decision of Vice President Jojo Binay to accept the HUDCC post is good for P-Noy and V-Nay. This assures the public that the two top elected leaders of the country are working together to improve their lives.

With 20 years executive experience as city mayor of the premiere city of Makati and with a 77 percent trust rating, Vice President Binay can provide good inputs to P-Noy in crucial decisions, better than any unelected advisers.

The acceptance of the Housing top job gives Vice President Binay a chance to do something on a constructive scale together with Gawad Kalinga and other NGOs. The housing problem is a huge one considering projections of population growth to 100 million Filipinos.

VP Binay has to work double time to build 3 million housing units in six years or 500,000 a year.
There’s no doubt in our minds that with P-Noy’s all-out support he can do the job.

Low priority. P-Noy declared jueteng is not a priority. He even admonished DILG Secretary Jessie Robredo for making an announcement that stamping out jueteng and extra-judicial killings was his first marching orders.

Jueteng is definitely the original sin of corruption of the police, mayors, governors and even Malacañang. After taking bribe money from jueteng, bribe money from drug dealing comes next easily.
Now comes Teresita Deles, Presidential Adviser for the Peace Process, saying.... MORE

SourceThe Daily Tribune

URL: http://www.tribuneonline.org/commentary/20100720com4.html

No way NO HOLDS BARRED Armida Siguion-Reyna 07/20/2010

No way

Armida Siguion-Reyna
Sunday dinner in one of my children’s houses, talk shifted to the present travails of the euro and the seeming resurrection of the American dollar. “How are you doing here?” asked a young guest from Singapore, here in the Philippines for the first time. “Do you really have your last president to thank for, for your economic stability?”

The question of course served to trigger the time bomb inside me that had long wanted to explode since the Inglorious left Malacañang buttressed to the left and right of her by a PR expert’s pack of lies. Gloria Arroyo is not to be thanked; whatever fiscal strength the country has, is there despite her. Gloria Arroyo should not be thanked; whatever fiscal strength she’s touted at the end of her term is likely invented or magnified by her cabal of cronies and henchmen for her her exit hurrahs. 

The Ibon Foundation clarifies that Filipinos are “worse off today” than when Arroyo rode the crest of morality to become president, nine-and-a-half years ago. The report, dated June 17, 2010, clearly after the May 10 elections, belies the Arroyo administration’s “praise release” of achievements released to media shortly before she stepped down. 

“Unemployment is at record sustained highs, household real income declined, poverty increased, inequality worsened, and Filipinos were forced abroad in unprecedented numbers. Prospects have been undermined by the steady erosion of domestic manufacturing and agriculture, a rapidly deepening fiscal crisis, and defeatist international trade and investment policies. In contrast, the profits of the country’s biggest corporations and the wealth of its richest families have continued to improve substantially.”... MORE

SourceThe Daily Tribune

URL: http://www.tribuneonline.org/commentary/20100720com5.html

The politics of Ilustrado AN OUTSIDERS VIEW Ken Fuller 07/20/2010

The politics of Ilustrado

Ken Fuller
The two major characters in Miguel Syjuco’s novel Ilustrado, the young “Miguel Syjuco” and the elderly Crispin Salvador, are, although separated by two generations, ilustrados, members of the educated elite. Each is filled with shame at the serial compromises and betrayals, past and present, of his class, and disappointed in his own failure to “make a difference.”

The failings of the elite are exemplified by those of the two men’s families, although the similarities between those of character “Syjuco” and author Syjuco sometimes make the reader feel like an uncomfortable intruder in a private feud. 

“Syjuco” has broken with the grandparents who raised him, just as Syjuco reportedly broke, temporarily, with his father. The grandfather of “Syjuco,” like the father of Syjuco (Iloilo’s Augusto Syjuco), is a traditional politician. When convenient, the grandmother of “Syjuco,” like the mother of Syjuco (Judy Syjuco), occupies her husband’s seat. 

In The Enlightened, an early Salvador novel, as his grandfather Cristobal prepares to leave Spain for a Philippines where the revolution is imminent, his lover protests, “You belong here. Not there.” He replies, “I know.” Cristo fears for his wife and children should revolution come. Only upon hearing “her and the children’s breathing, do I find the bravery to shirk my ideas of independence.” Torn between reform and revolution, he turns to superstition: “Blessed Mary, Ever Virgin, assist me.”... MORE

SourceThe Daily Tribune

URL: http://www.tribuneonline.org/commentary/20100720com6.html

Noy’s meddling illegal, immoral—Miriam By Angie M. Rosales 07/20/2010

Aquino denies interference, insists Trillanes raps flawed

Noy’s meddling illegal, immoral—Miriam

By Angie M. Rosales
Illegal and immoral are just two adjectives used by Sen. Miriam Santiago in describing President Aquino’s alleged efforts to effect the release of detained Sen. Antonio Trillanes IV, in time for Congress’ opening, and allowing him to participate in the scheduled Senate reorganization on Monday.

Santiago joined the growing ranks of senators denouncing the President’s interference in the affairs of the two co-equal branches, the judiciary and the legislature, in the hope of exerting total control over Congress’ leadership, both in the House of Representatives and in the Senate.

“It’s illegal because number one, my understanding is that no less than the Supreme Court has already upheld the trial court’s decision not to grant bail on the basis of the finding that Trillanes was a flight risk. If he’s a flight risk under the Arroyo (administration), why is he no longer a flight risk under (the administration of Aquino?) How can you possibly reverse a decision made by no less by the SC,” Santiago said in a phone-patched interview with Senate reporters.

There have been numerous news reports insinuating that Trillanes has already committed his support to Sen. Francis Pangilinan, a close ally of Aquino and party mate at the Liberal Party (LP) for his top Senate bid.

Both Santiago and Sen. Edgardo Angara also criticized Justice Secretary Leila de Lima’s pronouncements, defending Aquino for issuing his directive for a review, saying that it’s a prerogative of the Chief Executive to order a review of the case especially since the President vowed to deliver justice.

But yesterday, de Lima said the fate of the jailed lawmaker may no longer be in the executive department’s hands but a review of the prosecution’s position is within the powers of the president. “I understand that the case will soon be deemed submitted for the court’s decision, upon the filing of the required memorandums by both the prosecution and the defense. At this stage, the options for the prosecution and the defense may be limited,” she said..... MORE

SourceThe Daily Tribune

URL: http://www.tribuneonline.org/headlines/20100720hed1.html

Abad asks critics: ‘What delicadeza?’ By Gerry Baldo 07/20/2010

Abad asks critics: ‘What delicadeza?’

By Gerry Baldo
The presence of many Abads in the Aquino government is pure coincidence, family member Rep. Henedina Abad of Batanes said yesterday.

Criticisms involving issues of “delicadeza” or propriety were raised against the appointments of several members of the Abad family in the Aquino government but Rep. Abad said their presence in areas involving appropriations and budgetary work, was purely coincidental.

“What is delicadeza?” Abad asked House reporters doing the story on the presence of too many Abads in the Aquino government.

Abad, taking the cudgels for her husband, daughter and son, all of whom are holding key positions in the Aquino government, said that there is no such thing as “delicadeza.”

She said the issue of their presence in the Aquino government is being blown out of proportion.

“I think sometimes the issue is being made bigger, my husband and my daughter, their credentials can speak for themselves. We have always advocated for good governance so they can look at how they perform. In the end their performance would also speak for themselves. Somebody may just be sowing intrigues but I don’t want to dignify such because we have too much work to do,” Abad said.

Her husband, Secretary Florencio “Butch” Abad, is with the Department of Budget and Management, her daughter, Secretary Julia Abad, is the head of the Presidential Management Staff and her son Luis, is the chief-of-staff of the secretary of the Department of Finance.... MORE

SourceThe Daily Tribune

URL: http://www.tribuneonline.org/headlines/20100720hed2.html

Noy hints at exposing GMA ‘deals’ in Sona By Aytch S. de la Cruz 07/20/2010

Noy hints at exposing GMA ‘deals’ in Sona

By Aytch S. de la Cruz
Message of hope to complement the so-called “plethora of bad news” is what President Aquino’s first State of the Nation Address (Sona) is expected to be like as he gave broad hints to reveal the supposed irregularities they have unearthed when they took over the helm of government from the Arroyo administration.

In a chance interview with Palace reporters in Malacañang yesterday, Aquino mentioned three broad points that he would likely state before the public when he delivers the so-called “real state of the nation” at the Batasang Pambansa next week.

The Chief Executive said these include the inventory that they are still finalizing to determine the genuine lay of the land based on the reports submitted to him by his Cabinet secretaries so that people may understand the major problems that the country is facing today.

The President said he will be presenting the plans of his government to address such problems that he supposedly inherited from the previous administration which he, as well as other Malacañang officials, declined to disclose pending final evaluation whether those cases may indeed be classified as irregularities.

The third point that Aquino is set to share with the nation is how the government will thresh out the many proposals that he is receiving in answer to the needs of the country particularly in infrastructure and other major ticket items and equipment for the advancement of his visions to the military.

“It (Sona) would be a report of what we have so far found and what we will be doing in the future. What is important is (for us to express) what are our plans and programs for this country. It will focus on that,” explained Executive Secretary Paquito Ochoa Jr. in gist.... MORE

SourceThe Daily Tribune

URL: http://www.tribuneonline.org/headlines/20100720hed3.html

Trillanes denies Noynoy’s hand in getting his freedom 07/20/2010

Trillanes denies Noynoy’s hand in getting his freedom

Detained Sen. Antonio Trillanes IV yesterday denied allegations regarding Malacañang having a hand in expediting the resolution of his coup d’etat case, in exchange for his vote for Sen. Francis Pangilinan, in his bid to attain the Senate presidency.

For former President Joseph Estrada, Trillanes’ detention, however, is just a “waste of taxpayers’ money.”
Showing exasperation over the issue, he said it should not be too difficult to allow Trillanes a few hours of provisional liberty to participate in the Senate sessions.
Estrada believes that the ground the Supreme Court had previously given in denying Trillanes his request to participate in Senate sessions, which was risk of flight, is no longer present in this case, noting that Trillanes needs only a few hours of the day to attend Senate sessions.
“He can be brought to the Senate to attend session for a few hours and then brought back to where he is being detained. He can even be brought to the Senate under supervision or security.... MORE

SourceThe Daily Tribune

URL: http://www.tribuneonline.org/headlines/20100720hed4.html

US State Dept. official to meet with Aquino 07/20/2010

US State Dept. official to meet with Aquino

A senior US State Department official will be in Manila for a two-day visit beginning today to meet with top officials of the Aquino administration.

US Undersecretary for Political Affairs William Burns, who is on the final leg of his four-nation Southeast Asian swing that included Thailand, Cambodia and Indonesia, will arrive in the country today.

Burns’ visit to these Southeast Asian partners, the State Department said, is an “important element” of the Obama administration’s commitment “to increased and deepened engagement with this dynamic region.”

“On July 20 and 21, Undersecretary Burns will travel to the Philippines to consult with senior officials in the new Aquino admi-nistration and discuss ways to advance cooperation with this important ally,” the US State Department said in a statement.... MORE

SourceThe Daily Tribune

URL: http://www.tribuneonline.org/headlines/20100720hed5.html

Air Force grounds training planes after crash in Tarlac 07/20/2010

Air Force grounds training planes after crash in Tarlac

The Philippine Air Force (PAF) yesterday ordered the grounding of all AS-211 planes following the crash of one trainer craft in Tarlac province yesterday.

Air Force spokesman Lt. Col. Miguel Okol said PAF chief Lt. Gen. Oscar Rabena immediately formed and dispatched an investigation team to determine the cause of the accident.

According to Okol, the incident took place while pilot Maj. Wilfredo Donato Santiago, Concepcion, around 11 a.m.

He said the two pilots survived when they ejected just in time before their aircraft crashed in a sugarcane field in Capas town.

Okol said the two pilots belong to the Air Force’s Air Division Wing’s 7th Tactical Fighter Squadron based in Clark Air Force Base.

A subsequent search operations were launched that located the ill-fated aircraft at around 11:45 a.m.... MORE

SourceThe Daily Tribune

URL: http://www.tribuneonline.org/headlines/20100720hed6.html

Paalam, Joey Velasco, Isang Dakilang Pintor by Fernando Gagelonia July 20, 2010

Paalam, Joey Velasco, Isang Dakilang Pintor

JULY 20, 2010
by Fernando Gagelonia
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Rest in eternal peace, Joey.
Several hours ago, Jose ‘Boy’ Montelibano broke this sad news on Facebook: “A great GK hero, Joey Velasco, passed away. We hold him dear to our hearts as he held the poor, especially the street children, close to his heart. We send to his wife and young children our deepest sympathies. We reiterate our commitment to carry on the dream of Joey to build a gallery for his works so that his love and his story will live on to touch others.”


I had been praying, as many others were, that this great painter of our generation would hurdle this latest test.... MORE


URL: http://atmidfield.com/2010/07/20/paalam-joey-velasco-isang-dakilang-pintor/

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