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The Daily Tribune

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Needed: A thinking cap FRONTLINE Ninez Cacho-Olivares 12/13/2010

Monday, December 13, 2010

Needed: A thinking cap

Ninez Cacho-Olivares
Obviously trying to save face after issuing a veiled threat to have the Chief Justice impeached by his allies over the high court’s ruling on the unconstitutionality of Executive Order 1 (EO 1), and where reactions from his congressional allies all pointed to their being clueless about any impeachment moves against CJ Renato Corona, along with their saying that such a ground is not valid, there went Noynoy Aquino, informing reporters that he is not thinking of supporting any move to impeach Corona and that instead, he prefers to dialog with the justices.

He also went to great pains to clarify to reporters that it was not he who had started the impeachment talk against Corona, insisting that he had received calls from his allies in Congress about their plan to impeach a Supreme Court (SC) justice — but not Corona.

Well, what can Noynoy do when caught at a lie, of not to spin another lie, especially since his allies in Congress went on the record to deny that there was such a plan to impeach Corona? Then too, why did he wait so long to clarify the matter?

He insisted that while he did not start that talk, he stuck to his claim that he had received calls from his allies about an impeachment plan against another SC magistrate, whom he failed to identify..... MORE

SourceThe Daily Tribune

URL: http://www.tribuneonline.org/commentary/20101213com2.html


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