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Curious case of Jose Ferdinand Rojas II BLURBAL THRUSTS Louie Logarta 11/28/2010

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Curious case of Jose Ferdinand Rojas II

Louie Logarta
Archbishop Oscar Cruz, the country’s acknowledged “anti-jueteng lord,” has placed Pangasinan police officials on the hot seat with his disclosure that the illegal numbers game has staged a comeback, now that the controversy he started several months ago has subsided.

According to the octogenarian prelate, who heads the Krusadang Bayan Laban sa Sugal (or People’s Crusade Against Gambling), jueteng has resurfaced in the third most-populous province in the country due to the acquiescence of certain powerful local government and police officials whom he didn’t name.

In a recent pastoral letter, Lingayen-Dagupan Archbishop Socrates Villegas, who is Cruz’s successor, criticized Pangasinan authorities for their failure to stop jueteng. He said the Church rejects gambling as it corrupts the gambler and exploits and diminishes human dignity.

Villegas also assailed the government for allowing the propagation of small town lottery (STL) as a means to combat jueteng. He said that a government which promotes gambling is morally corrupt.

Philippine National Police (PNP) officials however denied the allegations aired by the two archbishops..... MORE

SourceThe Daily Tribune

URL: http://www.tribuneonline.org/commentary/20101128com4.html


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