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Walking the crooked path — again FRONTLINE Ninez Cacho-Olivares 09/13/2010

Monday, September 13, 2010

Walking the crooked path — again

Ninez Cacho-Olivares
Change isn’t forthcoming, despite a change in leadership and all those pious and righteous stances being taken by the new administration.

The old faces have been replaced by new faces, but the same old order of the crooked path certainly is alive and kicking — and right among the high ranking officials in Malacañang.

Try as they, in the Palace, may hypocritically speak of their treading the straight path, it is still the same old crooked path they tread and while they denounced the old powers that walked the crooked line, and accused them of having benefited from the jueteng payoffs, the new powers are walking the same crooked path and benefiting from the same crooked jueteng payola, even as they try to portray themselves with halos on their head.

The problem with portraying themselves as cleaner than clean is the fact that their crooked ways are found out anyway. People know what’s going on. People talk, and names are mentioned — especially in the case of jueteng payoffs, mainly because there has been for sometime an anti-jueteng network nationwide and the intelligence work is pretty good.

The only problem is that this information from the anti-jueteng network is never utilized by government and its officials, and is even immediately dismissed the work of the critics and political foes..... MORE

SourceThe Daily Tribune

URL: http://www.tribuneonline.org/commentary/20100913com2.html


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