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The Daily Tribune

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Treading the same path FRONTLINE Ninez Cacho-Olivares 09/15/2010

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Treading the same path

Ninez Cacho-Olivares
Noynoy Aquino is treading the same Gloria Arroyo path in defending himself from allegations.
His reply to these reports on the jueteng payola, linking some of his aides was that this is the work of his political detractors — even as there has not been any investigation on these allegations by the Palace.

Since such is his answer to these allegations, and his yellows are ready to buy that, what then becomes of Gloria and her aides’ stock answers then to any and all allegations, such as this is the work of her political foes who want to bring her government down?

Can it therefore be deduced that neither Gloria, her spouse, her kin and her aides, were ever the recipient of jueteng payoffs, since such was merely the work of her political detractors and critics?

After all, what’s good for the sanctimonious gander who moreover promised change and reform, should be just as good for a goose. 

Given that Noynoy is taking the same path taken by Gloria in washing her hands off the many charges against her, insisting on proof first, as well as blaming everything on her critics and political foes, can he then be saying that Gloria was, after all, merely a victim of her political detractors?.... MORE

SourceThe Daily Tribune

URL: http://www.tribuneonline.org/commentary/20100915com2.html


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