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The Daily Tribune

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Tokyo’s samurai women punish fat with sword workout FEATURE 05/13/2010

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Tokyo’s samurai women punish fat with sword workout


OKYO — Japan’s ancient samurai swords were once used to slice apart enemies, but in a new fitness craze they serve to slash away at extra pounds and cut down on modern-day stress instead.

“Cut down!”, a sword-wielding instructor shouted during a recent “Samurai Camp” gym session in Tokyo as a squad of sweat-drenched women warriors followed suit, slashing the air with their shiny blades.
“Put your right foot forward, cut down straight, thrust out your chest, no bending of the back,” the instructor yelled to the sound of a techno dance beat and swooshing weapons. “Punish the extra fat with this!”
To avoid turning the health workout into a bloodbath, the swords are made of wood and urethane foam, but the determination of the participants is steely: the goal is to shed five kilograms (11 pounds) in about a month.
The popularity of the course, which comes amid a resurgence of interest in Japan’s medieval warrior class, surprised even its inventor Takafuji Ukon, a 31-year-old choreographer, dancer and fitness expert.... MORE  

SourceThe Daily Tribune

URL: http://www.tribuneonline.org/commentary/20100513com3.html


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