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Solon boasts: Estrada ouster plotted by GMA camp from Day 1 Sunday, 07 10, 2005

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Solon boasts: Estrada ouster plotted by GMA camp from Day 1
Sunday, 07 10, 2005
by Amita O. Legaspi
An ally of beleaguered President Arroyo yesterday admitted they had planned the ouster of now detained President Joseph Estrada from the moment the latter took office in 1998.

Administration Rep. Juan Miguel Zubiri of Bukidnon, during an interview over government-owned television station NBN 4, said it took them three years to drive Estrada out of Malacañang.

Zubiri did not say who specifically were into the conspiracy that booted out the first overwhelmingly elected President of the Philippines and passed off by its “civil society” masterminds as the so-called people power revolt Edsa II.

Mrs. Arroyo herself, after toppling Estrada in Jan. 2001 through Edsa II, actually a military coup, admitted to having been into hatching the putsch from the beginning.

Zubiri gave his unsolicited expert advice to the political opposition: Do not to resort to shortcuts if you really want to expel Mrs. Arroyo from the presidency.

The congressman told the President’s critics to heed staunch Malacañang ally Sen. Joker Arroyo, one of the impeachment prosecutors in the Estrada trial in early 2001, to investigate and dig deeper on the issues hounding Mrs. Arroyo.

He said floating issues to detabilize the Estrada administration was their job


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